The moment Wendy knew in her heart that she needed a fundamental lifestyle change was last Christmas.
She was sat on a beach in idyllic Thailand but she was not feeling great about herself, mentally or physically.
Wendy was 46 and didn’t want to keep living her life feeling this way – she was ready to make a big change.
Right then and there she contacted Ultimate Performance. Then just days after landing back in England she was walking through the doors at U.P. to start Day 1 of a life-changing transformation programme.
Now, 33 weeks and a lockdown later, and Wendy achieved the radical change she was looking for – both inside and out – after losing 28kg (62lbs).
“I’ve never had this figure and I’ve never been in this shape in my entire life.
“It’s beyond what I expected. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I could do this or look how I did at the end.”
Wendy had actually looked U.P. up a while back with a view to starting a transformation, but back then the timing didn’t feel right.
A couple of years went by and Wendy found herself away on holiday at Christmas not feeling great.
“I was on holiday in Thailand at Christmas sitting on a beach and decided that I needed to do something about the fact that I was not in a good place.
“When I was still in Thailand, I got into contact with U.P. and I booked my consultation for two days after I got back and three days after that I started my U.P. journey at Kensington.
“I wanted to get my old self back.”
Wendy’s happiness levels were at an all-time low. But joining U.P. in the New Year was the first step to changing all this.
“When I started I was very unhappy in myself, both physically and mentally.
“I wanted this to be a journey of change for both of those things.
“I also wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone to see what I could achieve in that time.”
With years of poor lifestyle choices to shake off, Wendy found the first couple of weeks tough. She even thought about throwing in the towel.
But having her trainer alongside her as a mentor and advisor gave her the confidence to trust the process.
“The journey has been amazing. I have loved every single step of it. I did have a wobble a couple of weeks into the programme about whether it was for me and whether it would work for me.
“And Chris turned around and said if he’s not worried, I don’t need to be worried.
“I pretty much took that on board as a big learning curve and pushed through and the changes happened very quickly.”
The first third of Wendy’s programme took place at one of the U.P. gyms under the expert eye of her trainer, Chris.
But then lockdown struck and Wendy feared this might put a stop to her progress.
Luckily, Ultimate Performance are the world’s leading personal trainers for a reason and seamlessly adapted her programme to this strange new reality.
“I had about 10 weeks in the gym and then we went into lockdown which threw up some emotional thoughts and questions to start with.
“Was I going to be able to train at home? Was I going to be in the right mindset to train at home, because I clearly hadn’t done much of it in the past?
“So Chris and I had a long chat and spent an hour talking about it and how we are going to tackle lockdown.
“I actually came out of lockdown about 11 or 12kg (26lbs) lighter, a lot fitter, a lot stronger and mentally in a great place.”
When Wendy was able to get back into the gym, she was in a great position to keep progress towards her end goal.
With her motivation levels sky-high, she pushed on and was able to complete her stunning 28kg (62lbs) transformation.
“Coming back and having lost so much weight before and during the lockdown, I was stronger than I’d ever been and in better shape than I’d ever been.
“I used the last eight weeks just pushing and pushing and training as hard as I could.
“I did my steps, I did my nutrition, and the changes have just been remarkable.”
Looking at her ‘before and after’ photos charting her progress, Wendy can barely believe what she has been able to achieve alongside her trainer.
“I do not even recognise the person on the left-hand side. It’s frightening. But I love the person on the right-hand side. It’s amazing.”
“It’s not a shape I am going to give up – it’s just the start.”
Wendy had a message for anyone who is in the position she was before she started her U.P. journey: “Just do it! Start your journey. It’s never too late to start your journey.
“It’s a fun journey – enjoy every minute of it. You will never look back.”
- We show you the best, we don't show you the worst.
- We show you people who follow the plans, not those who are all talk.
- We show you those who inspire even us with their commitment to their results.
- You cannot get results exactly like these. You are unique and that means you can only get your own best possible results.
- Your results are a function of time spent following the plan; your genetic response to the right exercise and diet program; how hard you train; how consistently you come to the gym; how disciplined you are with your diet; & your starting point.
- Oftentimes the lower your starting point (poor fitness, terrible body composition) the better your results.
- We cannot do the work for you and the results you see here are a testament to the work ethic of our clients.
Our reputation is that we are the best trainers in the world for helping you to unlock your potential, & we can lead you to the door, give you the key, even turn the handle and push the door open, but we cannot walk through it for you.
In the end the result is down to you.
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