Vicente felt like age was catching up with him.

No matter how hard he trained, Vicente found it impossible to break through the ceiling he kept hitting in his sport.

An avid paddler, he found himself stuck low in the rankings despite trying many different physical training regimes.

Not ready to give up, he decided to give it one last shot with Ultimate Performance Hong Kong.

Working with the elite trainers at U.P. and completing a body transformation helped turbo-charge his performance and sent him shooting up the rankings in his age group.

 | Ultimate Performance

“I was always in the third team at my paddling club, and I knew that I have to be able to beat at least 10 people to go beyond it. Now I’m beating like 15 people.

“So, the guys that were my target when I started, I’m not even looking at them. I don’t see them in the race anymore.”

“I am 50 years old, and I cannot compete with 20-year-old guys, but to be one of the fastest old people in Hong Kong is great.”

 | Ultimate Performance

Vicente did not come to U.P. to lose weight; as a fit and active man, he came looking for very specific strength and performance enhancement outcomes.

He joined U.P.’s transformation programme and worked with his P.T. to design a programme that met his needs while keeping injury and age-related challenges in mind.

In thirteen short weeks, he lost 10kg and turbo-charged his performance on the water.

“I’ve been paddling for three years now, and I always found some ceiling. It doesn’t matter how much I improved my technique or how much time I spent in the water; there was a point beyond which my performance stalled.

“My trainer said ‘well, you need better conditioning; you need to lose weight’ and, of course, I tried different types of training – HIIT, circuit training, and some weights with previous P.T.’s, but there was no progress at all. I had heard about Nick Mitchell and U.P. and decided to try them out.”

His trust paid off. Vicente broke through the plateau and saw a quantifiable difference in his performance.

However, along with jumping up a few notches in the team he also enjoyed his new defined physique.

“I feel hot! I feel very confident. To be honest, I was always looking at my performance, and I always said to my P.T. that I’m not too interested in how I look like, but when it happened and when I saw this clear six-pack and this clear lean body, it was amazing.”

 | Ultimate Performance

What really worked for Vicente was U.P.’s data-driven approach and science-backed training and nutrition methodology.

Being able to measure the results and the progress he was making really made a difference.

“There is a lot of science in these activities. It’s not about lift, lift and lift or just eat chicken with vegetables!

“There’s a lot of science behind how your body works, and I feel that I got that knowledge and can walk away from this gym with an amount of knowledge that I couldn’t have gotten from the Internet or reading books.

“Online people are saying different kinds of things, and you don’t know exactly where to start or how to perform.”

Working in partnership with the elite team at U.P. gave him the confidence to train with real intention, even around old injuries and issues with mobility when he trained on his own.

“I have problems with mobility, and every time I was trying to lift a few extra kilos extra, I would start to have a problem with my shoulder or elbow. I thought that maybe I’m too old for this.

“U.P. taught me a completely different story! It’s not about age; it’s about doing the right things, being aware of smaller muscles, improving posture, and improving stability and muscle.

“I don’t remember the last time I got injured, and that obviously gave me a lot of confidence to go heavier and heavier and heavier. Before I was looking at the weight and saying ‘leave it. I don’t want to get injured, and obviously, I was hitting the wall all the time.”

“With U.P,. I was able to perform in a precise way which is always safe, and then those weights that were my wall are now very far behind.”

 | Ultimate Performance

Vicente saw a clear difference between U.P.’s training process and other gyms.

He is convinced that the holistic approach used by the trainers and the support he got around the clock really took him up a level.

“99% of all gyms are just one-hour sessions, and then off you go. Here it is 24 hours – the P.T. is always asking questions, following up on my steps, food, etc. I don’t believe there is a gym like that where the follow-up is so continuous.

“At U.P. you have to forget about the way you were lifting weights before. The form is extremely precise, and you realise that it will help you to perform better.

“I have trained in many different cities before, and it was all about going from point A to point B and but this time it was a completely starting from scratch and understanding how you should engage the right muscle, and the difference is noticeable.”

“The return of investment is 100%. You are not paying for one hour you are paying for full-time support. So, I don’t know how much it would cost in real money if I had somebody working 24 hours for me, but I think definitely is going to be far more expensive than what I pay here!”



  • We show you the best, we don't show you the worst.
  • We show you people who follow the plans, not those who are all talk.
  • We show you those who inspire even us with their commitment to their results.
  • You cannot get results exactly like these. You are unique and that means you can only get your own best possible results.
  • Your results are a function of time spent following the plan; your genetic response to the right exercise and diet program; how hard you train; how consistently you come to the gym; how disciplined you are with your diet; & your starting point.
  • Oftentimes the lower your starting point (poor fitness, terrible body composition) the better your results.
  • We cannot do the work for you and the results you see here are a testament to the work ethic of our clients.
  • Our reputation is that we are the best trainers in the world for helping you to unlock your potential, & we can lead you to the door, give you the key, even turn the handle and push the door open, but we cannot walk through it for you.
    In the end the result is down to you.

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