Client of the Month: Heidi


When Heidi came across a year-old notebook where she had penned her feelings about her weight, she was shocked. It described all the negative emotions she associated with her body image – feeling ugly, disappointed and embarrassed. Reading her own words jolted her into action. She contacted Ultimate Performance London (U.P.) that very day and took the first step on a life-changing path that led her to lose an incredible 35kg in 31 weeks.


“People simply cannot believe the transformation I’ve gone through; I look and feel like a different human; it’s incredible! I feel amazing!”

“My general wellbeing, both physically and mentally, has improved significantly. I now feel proud of my body.”

“It also shocks me to admit that I actually enjoy exercise now.”

Heidi started with the 12-week programme but loved the results so much she continued training with her personal trainer at Ultimate Perfomance for the next 7 months. From a starting point weighing 95kg with over 40% body fat, Heidi came down to 60kg and lost 30cm off her waist with her trainer. Rebecca, Heidi’s U.P. personal trainer, supporting her every step of the way. Before Ultimate Performance, this all seemed a million miles away.