Stuart’s 22kg (48lbs) transformation proves what is possible at Ultimate Performance, even during lockdown.
As a busy managing director with three children, his health had taken a backseat through the pandemic.
His weight had shot up, and a focus on work meant he neglected his diet and exercise.
The wake-up call to change his ways came when his doctor diagnosed him with hypertension and put him on blood pressure medication.
Partnering with U.P. gave 44-year-old Stuart the lifestyle change he was looking for. He lost weight, radically reshaped his body and reversed his high blood pressure. Needless to say, his doctor was astounded.

“This is life-changing. Three months out of your life, it’s nothing!
“It’s the mental changes as well. I feel completely different in terms of how I look at things, and I feel a lot more positive.
“This is not any kind of fad; this is a real lifestyle change.
“It’s already proved that in terms of coming out of that transformation with a proper lifestyle change.”
Stuart was actually no stranger to U.P. – over a decade ago, he had done a program in the early days before the U.P.’s expansion across the globe.
Seeing that U.P. had launched a new personal training gym in his home city, he knew this was the place to overhaul his health.
“I did something at U.P. about 10 years ago in London, so I always knew about it.
“I knew I had to reset myself because of different life reasons and work reasons. I stopped training as much, I lost control of my diet, and I had been drinking a bit too much. It had come to a head, and I’d put on a lot of weight.
“With having another baby, I knew I needed to reset things and hopefully knock a few years off because I feel like I was heading in the wrong direction.
“My health was starting to deteriorate a little bit at that point also. It was a reset – get fit, get healthy, and improve my health.”
He joked to friends and family that he was going to get in six-pack shape.
But finding U.P. and starting a goal-focused program with a personal trainer made it a reality.

“I was with my wife and some friends. I jokingly said, ‘I’m going for it, and you’re going to see me with a six-pack!’ And they all just laughed at me.
“I set myself the challenge, and luckily I found this because I don’t know if I’d have achieved it without it.
“Without a doubt, it’s absolutely life-changing.”
Although Stuart had trained with U.P. before and came prepared for the program, the sudden lockdown turned his plans upside.
He feared that without the gym, he would lose all the milestones he had gained recently but was relieved to see the progress was possible virtually as well.
“I was lucky because I had some gym equipment at home, but it was a bit more tedious than doing it in the gym environment and doing it in my gym at home.
“I think it was the monotonousness of the whole Covid thing anyway.
“But the online sessions were very good, and it was a bit of an escape from it all as well.”
A big motivation for Stuart was improving his health. His blood pressure was a concern, and he didn’t want to live the rest of his life dependent on medication.
“I had hypertension stage 1 when I first started. I started medication as lockdown hit last March.
“That kept it under control. But it was around the end of month two, and the work we had been doing brought it back to normal levels.
“I have come off the medication now. Getting off that medication was a massive achievement really, more than the physique side of it.
“I’m not a medication person, and I certainly didn’t want to stay on that for the rest of my life.
“When I spoke to my doctor last about my blood pressure and how it had come down, he seemed quite shocked. He was gobsmacked. I think he was just used to people who can’t change their lifestyle and just end up on medication for the rest of their lives.”
Stuart’s blood pressure condition is hereditary.
So the next step is to maintain the results he has achieved and sustain healthy blood pressure and bodyweight levels.
Now he has the education and tools behind him to do this.

“I have learned a lot more about calories and macros – something that I always struggled with is portion control and the quality of things I eat.
“I think it’s that – by keeping a diary and all those things, it keeps it under control.
“The structure really helped me – if I have a structure, I can follow it really well.”
Looking back at his ‘before’ photos, Stuart has come a long way.
Seeing the transformationhe has achieved in a matter of weeks fills him with pride.
“Looking at my end photos, I am really proud. I’m proud to show them photographs, and I am looking forward to getting onto a beach, and I’m not worried taking that top off and that sort of thing.”
The reaction from friends, family and work colleagues who hadn’t seen Stuart since lockdown have been astounded.
He’s not just lost weight, but he has reshaped his body.
“Some people didn’t recognise me at all, and then they suddenly realise that it’s me, and it’s like ‘Oh, wow.’
“My best mate has seen my photographs. He didn’t think it was possible, but now he’s seen it with me, he was just like ‘wow!’
“People that see me in my clothes just see that I have lost vast amounts of weight. But when they see the photographs, they realise it’s not just like I’m really skinny and haven’t got any shape.
“When they see the photos, they understand that I’ve got some shape as well.”
It’s not just the physical side either. Stuart is feeling fit, energised and on top of his game in other aspects of his life too.
“I do a lot of road biking and mountain biking. I did a 60-mile trip to Grassington and back, and I was just like a different person.
“I was just gone! The lads I was with just couldn’t keep up with me! I was just attacking hills and enjoying them rather than dreading them.
“That felt like a really good achievement.”
- We show you the best, we don't show you the worst.
- We show you people who follow the plans, not those who are all talk.
- We show you those who inspire even us with their commitment to their results.
- You cannot get results exactly like these. You are unique and that means you can only get your own best possible results.
- Your results are a function of time spent following the plan; your genetic response to the right exercise and diet program; how hard you train; how consistently you come to the gym; how disciplined you are with your diet; & your starting point.
- Oftentimes the lower your starting point (poor fitness, terrible body composition) the better your results.
- We cannot do the work for you and the results you see here are a testament to the work ethic of our clients.
Our reputation is that we are the best trainers in the world for helping you to unlock your potential, & we can lead you to the door, give you the key, even turn the handle and push the door open, but we cannot walk through it for you.
In the end the result is down to you.
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