Scott’s incredible 7-week transformation embodies Ultimate Performance’s famous mantra ‘maximum results, minimum time’.
Yes, you read that right – it took less than two months for the 45-year-old business owner to forge this mind-blowing physique.
In just 21 training sessions, Scott lost 9kg, halved his body fat and got in truly phenomenal shape.
“The results were beyond what I thought possible in the time they were achieved,” says Scott, who is U.P. Manchester’s Client of the Month.
“Training was hard initially, and a shock, but it was what I needed, and every effort was rewarded with changes in my appearance and my overall sense of well-being.”
Scott had achieved good results himself by following Nick Mitchell’s 12 Week Body Plan book in the past – but wanted to take his training to the next level.
This truly exceptional 7-week transformation shows what is possible when you work one-to-one with U.P.’s world-class personal trainers.
Just as Scott had discovered U.P. through Nick’s first book, things have come full circle as Scott’s transformation features in Nick’s recent book ‘Principles of Muscle Building Program Design’ to inspire the next wave of gym-goers and demonstrate what is really possible with U.P.
“I’d trained before and used Nick’s plans in his books. I’d had results from following that training but wanted to see what was possible when training with a U.P. personal trainer,” Scott explains.
The motivation for starting the program came from wanting to improve his health and get in the best shape possible.
Scott’s new business venture meant exercise and nutrition had taken a back seat, and this had affected his health.
“I’d recently started a new business, and this had taken its toll on me in terms of eating habits and exercising.
“I wanted to set a goal of getting into the best shape I could and to bring about better eating habits.”
Starting a body transformation with his U.P. personal trainer was a chance to turn things around.
“My trainer Mark has taken into account my previous training and identified areas where I needed to change based on my muscle fibre makeup.
“This has been a major factor in my progression.”
Nothing was going to stop him from completing his 7-week transformation – not even the 70-mile round trip to the gym from his home in Halifax for his three gym sessions a week.
Actually investing time in his health and making time to train paid dividends and helped him gain some balance with his busy working schedule.
“I found a way of fitting a healthy lifestyle into a busy work environment.
“I quickly had goals and a new discipline for eating and exercising. I felt energetic which helped in the gym and at work.”
Before U.P., diet and healthy eating were huge factors holding Scott back from getting the body he wanted.
Long working hours and a busy schedule meant healthy eating was low on his list of priorities – and his body suffered because of it.
“Eating had become an issue for me; work was dictating when I was eating which meant I was missing meal times and eating convenience foods.
“I ate whatever was convenient and finding healthy options had become difficult. This made me feel unhealthy and demotivated.”
“I’d eat bread, and I have found that this was a big contributor to feeling sluggish during the day. In fact, carbs seem to do that as a whole, not just bread.
“I would also miss meals, which would make me try and make up for the loss of food by having a bigger meal, and I’d overeat.”
Running his own business, Scott says having his diet and training taken care of by his trainer meant he could focus 100% on executing his plan in the gym and getting results.
A big part of being able to make such an impressive transformation was getting back control of his diet and eating the right foods again to get him lean and muscular.
Food prep is central to the success any transformation – and it was the same for Scott.
But with time constraints at work, Scott signed up to U.P’s meal prep service to take the stress and hassle out of meal prep and ensure he was getting the exact macronutrients he needed to support his transformation.
“Meal prep made a huge difference in allowing me to have quality food available. The meals were one of the biggest helps to solve the eating issues.
“In the past when I have tried to get lean, I have eaten a bland diet – chicken and broccoli were most of what I ate.
“But meal prepping has helped me get lean and not miss out on having tasty food!”
Macro-calculated meals were there ready for when he needed to eat and fuel his body, without the need to cook or have to grab sub-optimal convenience food.
“I use The Good Prep meals, which made it easier to eat when I should be eating there’s no excuse not to eat at the correct times of the day.
“I don’t have to worry about what I’m going to eat! I go to the fridge, and my meal is there made for me, it has the right macro split, and it’s like eating a ‘normal’ meal.”
“I tend to have carbs later in the day and therefore miss any of the tiredness and sluggishness that carbs seem to give.”
Scott says the biggest benefit of working with U.P. is knowing that his training and nutrition is in hand, allowing him to focus on building his business.
“I have been able to concentrate on work without having to worry about my fitness goals! They are handled by my PT now!
“I do as I’m told, and the results come, which frees me up to concentrate on my new business.
“The level of knowledge within U.P. should be made available to all!”
The combination of precise nutrition and maximising every single rep of every session with his PT has yielded outstanding results.
But it wouldn’t have been possible without Scott’s drive, motivation and consistency through the process.
- We show you the best, we don't show you the worst.
- We show you people who follow the plans, not those who are all talk.
- We show you those who inspire even us with their commitment to their results.
- You cannot get results exactly like these. You are unique and that means you can only get your own best possible results.
- Your results are a function of time spent following the plan; your genetic response to the right exercise and diet program; how hard you train; how consistently you come to the gym; how disciplined you are with your diet; & your starting point.
- Oftentimes the lower your starting point (poor fitness, terrible body composition) the better your results.
- We cannot do the work for you and the results you see here are a testament to the work ethic of our clients.
Our reputation is that we are the best trainers in the world for helping you to unlock your potential, & we can lead you to the door, give you the key, even turn the handle and push the door open, but we cannot walk through it for you.
In the end the result is down to you.
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