When you are motivated to change your life, nothing will stop you achieving your goal.

Neil wanted to change the way he looked and felt and finally build the body he had always wanted.

He had no control over his diet and was living off McDonald’s Egg McMuffins, ice cream and a diet of 4,000 calories a day.

None of his clothes fit and he wasn’t happy with the way he looked.

But Neil is proof of the incredible things you can achieve in just 14 weeks.

Neil 14 Week Male Fat Loss Results Front View | Ultimate Performance


His motivation and commitment to get in the best shape of his life combined with a smart training and nutrition plan from his expert UP trainer transformed his body in a matter of weeks.

He dropped nearly 20kg in just 14 weeks and more than halved his body fat down to a shredded 7.8% to finally get the body he wanted.

Neil says his results were nothing short of ‘spectacular’. But he says his transformation has changed his life far more than just the way he looks.

What were your expectations going into the programme and what were your motivations? 

“I had been training for the last 5 years with the aim to increase my size and muscle mass.”

“I had certainly managed to increase my size, but I would say that most of it had been in the form of fat, especially around my waist.”

“I was getting to the stage where I just felt uncomfortable all the time and something had to change.”

“Back in December 2016, I received an email titled ‘Ultimate Performance Superstars 2016’ from Nick Mitchell, and I think I read it and looked at all the pictures about three or four times (I must have been on a mailing list from an enquiry I made back in 2012).”

Neil 14 Week Transformation Results | Ultimate Performance

Looking at all of the amazing before and after pictures got me thinking that this could be something for me.


Can you tell me how you were feeling both physically and mentally before starting with UP?

“Physically, I just felt fat and uncomfortable. I had no clothes that really fitted me properly and I didn’t feel like I looked good in anything that I wore.”

“I did think that because I was training and lifting weights that the fat was an inevitable side effect of this, but I really got a shock much later on seeing the before photos compared with my progress.”

One of the biggest eye-openers for Neil was showing him the amazing fat-loss results that are a result of the right weight training.

“I was actually carrying a lot more fat than I even realised.”

“Mentally, I was always tired at work and lacked energy but still had problems getting a good night sleep.”

Neil 14 week male fat loss results - profile view


What was your diet and lifestyle like before you started your transformation with UP?

“I had already stopped smoking about 10 months previously and cut down a lot on my drinking, but my diet was still all over the place.”

“I would often go to McDonald’s for breakfast on the weekend and eat three Bacon & Egg McMuffins and a hash brown without even thinking about it.”

“I really had no concept of macronutrients or calorie counts and would just eat whatever I liked.”

“Sitting in front of the TV in the evening with a huge dessert and ice-cream (and a block of chocolate) was also always too easy for me as well.”

How did your diet and lifestyle change when you started your transformation with UP?

Neil 14 Week Transformation - Back Row | Ultimate Performance

“I immediately cut out alcohol altogether and stuck to the meal plan that my trainer Adam created for me.   This is the first time ever that I have completely committed to a diet.”

“The shock to my body was incredible and the first couple of weeks were really tough.”

“I had probably been eating close to 4,000 calories a day which then reduced to 1,700 on the meal plan.   I was really missing all the food that I used to have and probably had some withdrawals to start with – I remember having a constant headache for the first week.”


What effect did this have on your health, performance, lifestyle and energy inside and outside the gym?

Neil 14 week male fat loss results - back view

“Once I got settled into the new diet after the first two weeks I immediately started to see some improvements.”

The fat from around my waist was dropping off – the transformation after four weeks was pretty spectacular.

“I felt like I had so much more energy and was actually starting to sleep a lot better.”

“I thought the diet would be the toughest part, but I actually got used to it pretty quickly.”

“The food that my trainer had included in the meal plan was all so tasty and I was even looking forward to eating steamed broccoli.”

“I still struggled with the portion sizes and would always be keenly waiting for the next meal though – I was constantly trying to space my meals throughout the day so I didn’t get stuck at the end of the day with nothing to eat.”

How did you find the training and did it fit around your busy lifestyle?

“Most of my training sessions were in the morning at 7am, which worked perfectly for me.”

“I was able to finish and be back in the office by about 8:30 am without having to leave again for hours during the day.”

“The training was absolutely brutal during the first four weeks!   I remember getting to the end of one sled run down the track and thinking I should just keep going up those stairs and never come back.”

“I thought I knew what to expect but I have never experienced anything quite so intense in my life.”

“Often the walk back to the office was a complete blur – I felt like I was stumbling through the streets after a night out and have no idea how I made it back.”

“Slowly things started to get a bit better and I wasn’t such a mess at the end of the workout.”

“The mere mention of the Pendulum still brings tears to my eyes though. My trainer was amazing throughout the transformation and always seemed to know just how hard to push me!”

What were your results like after your transformation?

“I don’t even know where to start.  The results are nothing short of spectacular.”

“I catch a glimpse of my new body in the mirror and it is unrecognisable – I never dreamed that I could have a flat waist, let alone the glimpse of some abs.”

“I actually look forward to putting on a pair of shorts and taking my shirt off in the summer months ahead.”

What were the most important things you learned during your journey and what really worked for you in helping you make your transformation? 

“I have learnt so much about food and my body reacts to different macronutrients.”

“I actually have some idea of what is going into my body now instead of blindly eating anything and just hoping for the best.”

“Even just the concept of eating less calories than your body burns to lose weight just seems so easy to me now.”

“Seeing the results so early on in the programme was a huge inspiration to keep working harder.”

“Without having my trainer for support would have made this impossible.”

How has doing this transformation changed you and do you think it will benefit you going forward?

Neil 14 Week Transformation - Back Training | Ultimate Performance

“My confidence has increased dramatically, which is a huge benefit. I’ve always been quite shy so now I actually feel a lot more outgoing than I used to be.”

“During the last week of my transformation, I had to deliver a one-hour presentation to a group of work colleagues.”

“This is something that previously would have filled me with absolute dread and I would never have even contemplated doing it.”

“Also, I’ve always had on and off problems with my lower back due to sitting down at work all day and bad posture.”

“I finally just had an MRI scan last week and had it diagnosed as a problem with three of my discs and will need a bit of physiotherapy to try and manage the problem.”

“Following the transformation I feel like I am in a great place to tackle this as I have already completed the hard part of shedding all the excess body fat – I think that if I had had this diagnosis three months ago I would have been completely devastated.”

Would you recommend UP and why?

“I’ve found that there is so much confusing information out there about what you should be doing for training and diet in order to lose fat and build muscle.  So much of it is contradictory.”

“Being able to come to UP and let them advise and make decisions on what approach to take is essential for someone like me.”

“I haven’t had to think about what I should be doing or why I should be doing something.”

“Instead, I have had my trainer’s expert instruction to follow and have trusted in him to make the right decisions for me.”

“Without this structure, I would be completely lost and would probably still be in the same shape that I was three months ago.”

“I would definitely recommend the complete UP experience to anyone that wants to see some outstanding results.”

If you’re inspired by Neil’s incredible transformation and want results of your own, BOOK A CONSULT NOW!


  • We show you the best, we don't show you the worst.
  • We show you people who follow the plans, not those who are all talk.
  • We show you those who inspire even us with their commitment to their results.
  • You cannot get results exactly like these. You are unique and that means you can only get your own best possible results.
  • Your results are a function of time spent following the plan; your genetic response to the right exercise and diet program; how hard you train; how consistently you come to the gym; how disciplined you are with your diet; & your starting point.
  • Oftentimes the lower your starting point (poor fitness, terrible body composition) the better your results.
  • We cannot do the work for you and the results you see here are a testament to the work ethic of our clients.
  • Our reputation is that we are the best trainers in the world for helping you to unlock your potential, & we can lead you to the door, give you the key, even turn the handle and push the door open, but we cannot walk through it for you.
    In the end the result is down to you.

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