“I’m way more confident. Not only in the gym, but just in general. I feel so much better about how I look and much stronger I am.”

Josh felt weighed down by his unhealthy relationship with food.

His diet, which he described as “uncontrolled and unplanned”, was playing havoc with his health.

Carrying around 105kg (233 lbs) of weight, he knew something had to change so he could put an end to his overindulgent eating.

In only 21 weeks, Josh has redefined his approach to nutrition entirely. Food is no longer an emotional crutch for him, but rather a source of strength.

Along with diet control, Josh’s time at U.P. has helped shift priorities in all areas of his life. He’s exercising, eating well, and his blood pressure readings have vastly improved.

Find out more about Josh’s transformation at U.P. here.

 | Ultimate Performance

What area of your life do you feel U.P. have impacted the most? 

Hands down, my nutrition.

Being conscious of what goes in my body and the nutritional value of everything. It’s been a huge game-changer for me.

Even weighing everything down to the gram has had a big impact on me. I’m now eating food for a purpose, not just to satisfy a craving or for the taste, but for its nutritional value.

I’ve learned how to cook healthy food. So, while watching everything I eat, I’ve also learned how to prepare food so I enjoy it.

The gains in muscle mass and strength have been great too – but I’d say that comes second to what it’s done for my nutrition. 


And how do your diet and lifestyle now compare to before you started at U.P.? 

I wasn’t getting the physical activity my body needed. I was eating food that wasn’t benefiting my body.

Now, I am very disciplined. Of course, the biggest change was my relationship with food. It went from being extremely uncontrolled and unplanned to very planned and very detailed.

My food used to control me; now I control the food. I don’t go based on whatever I’m craving. I am focused on its nutritional value and how it affects my body.

I now look at food as fuel. In terms of strength – my arms feel stronger and I can do pull-ups with added weight. Whereas before, I could barely do any pull-ups.

So, my strength has significantly increased.  

Has the U.P. program provided any unexpected benefits? 

Yeah, so many.

I have more energy and I’m much stronger. Something that I didn’t expect, though, was so many people have come up to me and give me kudos and congratulations for what I’ve done. And it feels good.

I really wasn’t expecting to inspire people the way that I have.

I was expecting my plan to be worse than it actually was. I was expecting myself to always feel hungry and tired, and have to eat foods that I didn’t like. But that’s not been the case at all.

I enjoy the food that I eat, I have energy, and I’m able to perform and push myself in the gym.

I was expecting all those things to be huge challenges, but I’ve been able to keep it up, and it’s honestly been unexpected. 


How do you feel the transformation that you’ve completed has impacted you as a person? 

I’m way more confident, not only in the gym but just in general.

As I walk around, I feel better about how I look; I feel better about how I feel; I feel better about having more strength.

It has made me more disciplined as a person. The discipline has been huge. The discipline that the program has instilled in my life is something that I’ll take with me forever, and it feels good.

It’s also unquestionably impacted my health because it has forced me to make my health a priority in my life. I’ve got lower blood pressure, more muscle mass, more energy and improved cardiovascular health.

That’s all down to my training plan.  

What impact did your trainer have on you during your transformation? 

My trainer was amazing.

He had confidence in me and gave me all the motivation I needed when I was short of energy.

Also, just holding me accountable, checking in with me, making sure I’m sticking to the program and eating the right food. All the little things make a big difference.

He made sure I stayed focused when it got difficult. It’s great to have that, because when you’re on your own it’s a lot more difficult to have that push and drive.

I also think my trainer believed in me more than I believed in myself. He probably thought, all right, this guy can push a little bit harder.

Sometimes you don’t know what you’re capable of, so my trainer was invaluable in that respect.  


Would you recommend U.P. and why? 

I would definitely recommend U.P. because it will challenge you, but it will also reward you.

However, the reward is always worth it. It’s really beneficial to have a program that basically lays out every detail.

So, if you’re a person that needs a little extra push or just wants a plan done the right way, Ultimate Performance are ideal.  


Josh achieved incredible weight loss, became stronger and gained the knowledge to maintain health and fitness for life at U.P. Start your fitness journey at Ultimate Performance today.  


  • We show you the best, we don't show you the worst.
  • We show you people who follow the plans, not those who are all talk.
  • We show you those who inspire even us with their commitment to their results.
  • You cannot get results exactly like these. You are unique and that means you can only get your own best possible results.
  • Your results are a function of time spent following the plan; your genetic response to the right exercise and diet program; how hard you train; how consistently you come to the gym; how disciplined you are with your diet; & your starting point.
  • Oftentimes the lower your starting point (poor fitness, terrible body composition) the better your results.
  • We cannot do the work for you and the results you see here are a testament to the work ethic of our clients.
  • Our reputation is that we are the best trainers in the world for helping you to unlock your potential, & we can lead you to the door, give you the key, even turn the handle and push the door open, but we cannot walk through it for you.
    In the end the result is down to you.

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