I now see a version of myself that I’ve never seen before. It’s a sculpture. I want to live like this forever. I want to maintain the best version of myself which I’ve never had before.

Entrepreneur Ahmed admitted that any exercise he did was driven by guilt.

He’d allowed himself to fall horribly out of shape – a direct consequence of his ‘mindless’ diet and lifestyle.

And now, the 35-year-old’s careless choices were impacting his performance as a trail-blazing businessman in the climate technology sector.

Ahmed needed to be “firing on all cylinders” at all times and capable of making big decisions, but stuck in his current sluggish state, that wasn’t always possible.

That’s exactly why he turned to Ultimate Performance in a bid to get his life, and physique, back to a place he was happy with.

He’d been let down before, getting limited success from previous personal trainers, but this time around he’s without doubt in the shape of his life.

Losing 15kg in just 10 weeks restored Ahmed’s A-game almost immediately.

He’s clear-minded, organised, alert and far more motivated about getting the ‘more challenging’ tasks done.

Read about his life-changing and inspiring story, right here…

 | Ultimate Performance

What was the main trigger for signing up with Ultimate Performance? 

I was overweight growing up, so I had always wanted to get into shape and become the best version of myself. I wanted to get results.

Certain experiences in life act as a wakeup call. Before joining, I went to other private training institutions. I saw a result, but after a while, I plateaued. So, it’s been like a couple of months without any results.

Going to the gym with a private trainer, doing things with no results, no muscle mass, no weight loss, nothing that’s why I was motivated to come to Ultimate Performance.  

How would you describe your lifestyle before coming to U.P.? 

My lifestyle before starting my journey at U.P. had no intent. It was mindless. I didn’t give it any thought. I was eating whatever I craved day by day, and exercise was driven by guilt rather than goals or objectives. 

How much of a difference has a change of lifestyle made to you? 

I have control over my body, over the outcome, and how it looks or behaves. I know when I want to wake up when I want to sleep, and how much I should eat. I’m very alert and aware of what happens. If I ate a bit more sugar today, I know immediately how it impacts me and I can map the causes to what activities I do during the day. 

This extends to my schedule as well. I’m more alert and vigilant with my time and I know where I need to be. That’s an area where I noticed a lot of improvement.

I’m more focused and clear-minded, I have clarity and I have the headspace to handle innovative tasks.

Are you able to approach your work life in a more productive manner now as well? 

It’s the same approach as having intent. It’s not focused on the input as much as the outcome on a day-to-day basis. As long as we maintain these inputs, the outcome would eventually happen by itself. That’s how this journey has changed and improved other areas of my life. 


What was your biggest achievement throughout this experience at U.P. 

Aside from my weight loss goals and seeing my sixpack, it’s the learning and knowing that I can do it. I’ve achieved this, and now I’m in a bulking phase. I’m focusing on growing muscle. I’m not worried about gaining fat because I know I’ve done it before. I’ve lost it. You can lose it.  


How did you feel when your program with U.P. reached its conclusion? 

It’s difficult to put it in words. It’s like running a marathon. It wasn’t an overnight journey. It was over a number of weeks. So, seeing the picture, it’s like crossing the finish line, but it’s the accumulation of all the moments leading to that finish.

I was waking up and seeing results every day, and those were my best moments. My breathing was getting better, and my clothes would fit better. 



What do you feel sets U.P. aside from other gyms or personal trainers? 

It’s very methodical. They have a system. It’s not like a conveyor belt or a factory production line; it’s just a series of methods that they apply. It’s a very scientific approach alongside a total solution, and each piece of equipment in the gym is geared toward this.

The mobile app and the holistic approach, food, diet, steps, cardio, with the total program, I’ve never seen this anywhere else. I’ve now seen a version of myself that I’ve never seen before. It’s a sculpture. Now I want to live like that. I want to maintain the best version, which I’ve never had before. 

So, for every hour I spend taking care of myself through exercise or being more active, I’ll gain multiple hours back in my day because I’ll handle other stressful tasks more efficiently.

I’ll also find more joy and satisfaction in spending time with friends and family. The lesson for me has been that taking time for yourself isn’t solely for yourself; it’s also for everyone around you, your future, and your overall well-being.

I believe it’s something I’ll continue to be mindful of as I move forward. 


What’s the next goal for you?

I see myself with a bigger muscle mass, so I’m a bit more muscular and more athletic. During this bulk phase, I think we’re doing as much as we can to grow muscle mass. The period after the cut would make me look better aesthetically. 


Bring the best, most productive version of yourself to work every morning by making your health a priority. Unsure how? Start your own U.P. personal training program today.


  • We show you the best, we don't show you the worst.
  • We show you people who follow the plans, not those who are all talk.
  • We show you those who inspire even us with their commitment to their results.
  • You cannot get results exactly like these. You are unique and that means you can only get your own best possible results.
  • Your results are a function of time spent following the plan; your genetic response to the right exercise and diet program; how hard you train; how consistently you come to the gym; how disciplined you are with your diet; & your starting point.
  • Oftentimes the lower your starting point (poor fitness, terrible body composition) the better your results.
  • We cannot do the work for you and the results you see here are a testament to the work ethic of our clients.
  • Our reputation is that we are the best trainers in the world for helping you to unlock your potential, & we can lead you to the door, give you the key, even turn the handle and push the door open, but we cannot walk through it for you.
    In the end the result is down to you.

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