Andrew wanted to get back into the shape he was in during his 20s.

The 36-year-old lawyer wanted to lose the fat he had put on over the past decade.

But most of all he wanted to set an example to his children as a fit and healthy father and make them proud.

Training just once a week with his personal trainer helped him achieve this and much more in just 15 short weeks at Ultimate Performance.

Taking control of his diet, training the right way and cutting back on alcohol made a huge difference to his body during his transformation.

Now he looks great after almost halving his body fat and building the leaner, more muscular physique he had lost since his younger days.

“I was exceptionally pleased with the results. The results were quicker and more pronounced than I could have expected and have made me want to reach the next level.

“It had very positive effects all around – improved digestion, better sleep, good energy levels, increased strength and a generally improved sense of wellbeing.”

Here Andrew explains how his diet and training helped transform his body and the three major lifestyle changes that made the biggest difference…

 | Ultimate Performance

What were your motivations for starting the programme?

Having had a very constructive and informative chat with my trainer, Beau, my expectations were to learn more about the right nutritional regime for me and learn more about how to work out properly and efficiently to get back into shape.

I wasn’t expecting instant miracles but wanted to lose body fat accumulated over the last decade of being a lawyer and generally improve muscle mass to improve longevity and overall lifestyle.

My main motivation was to be back near the condition I was in during my 20s and for my kids to be proud of their dad.

I realised to achieve this I needed to do something different from my current regime.

How were you feeling physically and mentally before starting with UP?

I realise now that physically I was probably not in great shape.

I had a history of various different injuries which I think now stemmed from doing things incorrectly and having a lack of balance in key muscle groups.

Mentally, I was (and generally am) stressed, and was probably frustrated with my physical condition.

 | Ultimate Performance


What was your diet and lifestyle like before you started your transformation with UP?

My diet was always varied due to convenience food and work. My lifestyle involved far too much beer and alcohol, far too many carbs, and lack of a structured training programme.

How did your diet and lifestyle change when you started your transformation with UP?

The nutrition plan worked really well for me. The emphasis on high levels of protein, healthy fats and very low carbs seemed to agree with my body.

The reduced alcohol intake and lack of beer also had very positive effects.

 | Ultimate Performance


How did you find the training and did it fit around your busy lifestyle?

The weights sessions were challenging and felt like they were hitting all of the right muscle groups.

On days when I did some high-intensity cardio, I did feel the effects of the low calorie diet.

Given the unpredictability of my weekly schedule, fitting in the sessions was sometimes challenging, but Beau has been extremely flexible and I think he understood the demands of Hong Kong lifestyles.

 | Ultimate Performance

What were the most important things you learned during your transformation?

Being disciplined with nutrition is key, regardless of the amount of exercise I’m doing. Exercising in the right way (possibly reduced weights with better form) is important for long-term, injury-free exercise. Understanding what your body needs to achieve your goals is important.

What was the one most important lifestyle change you made and how did it help achieve your transformation?

1. I was a real beer drinker and would often reach for a beer at home after a stressful day. Cutting beer out and, when unavoidable at work events or social occasions, switching to a glass of wine (or two) was a big change for me.

2. Trying to get to bed earlier and get at least seven hours of sleep was unusual for me but I think really helped.

3. Treating workouts with same level of commitment as a work meeting and diarising to make sure I didn’t miss one.


 | Ultimate Performance


How has doing this transformation changed you and do you think it will benefit you going forward?

I don’t see UP as necessarily just a way to achieve a quick “transformation”, but more a way to kick-start a sustainable and long-term regime that I can maintain in the future.

I intend to continue working with Beau (though less frequently) to continue to improve and learn new things.

Would you recommend UP and why?

Absolutely. The expert knowledge of the trainers and their determination to help achieve your goals and constant advice and ongoing monitoring and feedback was critical to being able to achieve my goals.

Inspired by Andrew’s transformation? Fill in the form below to find out more information or start your own journey..


  • We show you the best, we don't show you the worst.
  • We show you people who follow the plans, not those who are all talk.
  • We show you those who inspire even us with their commitment to their results.
  • You cannot get results exactly like these. You are unique and that means you can only get your own best possible results.
  • Your results are a function of time spent following the plan; your genetic response to the right exercise and diet program; how hard you train; how consistently you come to the gym; how disciplined you are with your diet; & your starting point.
  • Oftentimes the lower your starting point (poor fitness, terrible body composition) the better your results.
  • We cannot do the work for you and the results you see here are a testament to the work ethic of our clients.
  • Our reputation is that we are the best trainers in the world for helping you to unlock your potential, & we can lead you to the door, give you the key, even turn the handle and push the door open, but we cannot walk through it for you.
    In the end the result is down to you.

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