“I’ve lost over 10kg and halved my body fat percentage at the age of 43. I’m ecstatic. I love the way my body looks.”

Creeping towards his mid-40s, Dan had a horrible feeling he was way past his physical peak.

He was overweight, unfit, and totally oblivious to his daily calorie intake.

It was a hard truth to face, but his health was on the slide, and he had to stop the rot ASAP.

To do that, Dan knew a gym routine and a proper education on food were must-haves. But that was never going to happen without the help of an expert. So, he got in touch with Ultimate Performance.

He came in on day one looking to get healthy. Around 13 weeks later, he’s walked away with a six-pack, a muscle-filled upper body, and lifelong knowledge about how to eat well.

Dan is 10kg lighter and now believes he’s 10x more focused and disciplined.

Not just with his diet – but at work during important, high-pressure meetings.

 | Ultimate Performance

So, Dan, just tell us what motivated you to start your own personal training program?  

My motivations for joining up were threefold: to lose body fat, to learn proper training and calorie management, and to have the tools for a lifelong transformation in my everyday life. 


Let’s wind the clock back a little bit. How did you feel about your body and fitness levels before you started working with your trainer? 

I felt that my fitness levels and body composition were average and could be far better.

I was a little bit overweight, but not extremely. My fitness levels, at 43, were declining, and I felt the need to take action to stop the rot and achieve a significant transformation before it was too late. 


Got it. In terms of your training, what did you enjoy most while on the gym floor?  

I enjoy everything about the training at U.P. The one-to-one, hands-on approach of my trainer has been excellent and completely unique.

I appreciate the focus on weight training over cardio. The intense and targeted approach to training at U.P. is something I really like.

The fact that everything is trackable and manageable day by day and week by week is fantastic. 

How would you compare the U.P. approach to other training plans you’ve followed?

I haven’t got a great deal of experience with other personal trainers. But it’s 100% much more hands-on and accessible than anything I’ve seen before.

I really feel like my personal trainer is reachable within reason at any time, and he’s responsive.

It’s more of a day-to-day management of the program throughout the process, which you don’t get with other personal trainers, and I personally love that.


And what would you say the atmosphere is like around the gym? Did you feel comfortable?

The atmosphere at Ultimate Performance, based on my own experience at High Street Kensington, is supportive, collaborative, and very friendly.

The other trainers, whenever I’ve interacted with them, have been super encouraging. I’ve bumped into a couple of them outside of the gym, and they’ve been friendly.

The same goes for the other clients as well. I used to see two or three of the same clients at the same time each week, and everyone is collaborative, encouraging, and kind.


So, next question, how do you feel now compared to how you felt before you started your personal training plan?

Completely different.

I’ve lost over 10kg and halved my body fat percentage in 12 weeks. So, I really like how it looks.

I like how I feel. I sleep better. I had some digestive problems when I first came; they’ve now gone. I feel like my testosterone levels have increased in a good way, and I just feel super positive.

But more than that, I feel like I know what to do now. I know I’ve got the facts. I’m armed with the knowledge based on what I’ve learned at U.P. So, when I go out, train, and eat, I can manage my life the way I want to.

I’ve also become more disciplined and I’ve noticed that’s had an impact on my everyday life with family.

How quickly did you start noticing results?

In terms of knowledge and knowing how to train – within a week or two.

In terms of body composition and how I was looking – also probably about two or three weeks, I wasn’t starting off in a terrible position, but I noticed the fat started to come off fairly quickly and my abs began to shine through.

After about a month, we had a big jump in terms of how I was looking and feeling. So, for me, it didn’t take long.

Obviously, you have to stay disciplined when you’re not in the gym. But yeah, it was quite a quick noticeable difference for me.


Overall, how do you feel about the results you have achieved?

I’m ecstatic. I’m super happy.

Dropping body fat percentage, losing over 10kg at the age of 43. How it looks, how I feel, I’m extremely happy.

I came in with mid-range expectations and they’ve been surpassed. So, I’m very happy and a grateful customer.


Aside from the physical change, do you think your training at U.P. has spilled into other areas of your life?

I’m sleeping better and more consistently. I find that I’m much more disciplined in other areas of my life.

Initially, that was around food. With the help of my trainer, I stay away from the wrong foods and eat the right foods. When you become disciplined in that area, you become more disciplined in your training as well.

This discipline extends to your sleep, work, and staying mentally focused and attentive.

I feel like U.P. has helped me with my training and body composition, and it’s starting to permeate into all areas of my life.


That’s great to hear Dan. Last question. How have you found working with your trainer? Did you feel you got all the support you needed?

I can’t say enough good things. He’s been super attentive and hands-on.

In terms of the app, he’s always been fair, but there have been times when he had to be firm, which I really appreciated. I didn’t want someone who would let me get away with things in the early days.

He’s always encouraging and supportive, whether it’s during the week, in the evenings, or on weekends.

He’s very knowledgeable. The guy clearly knows his stuff and I really respect that. He said in the beginning, “Put your faith in what I’m saying,” and it’s all proven to be true because the results speak for themselves.

I can’t recommend him and U.P. highly enough. He clearly knows what he’s talking about and I will definitely recommend him to my friends, family, and clients.


Hitting your 40s doesn’t spell the beginning of the end for your fitness. Give your health, confidence, and appearance an overhaul in just weeks with U.P.’s time-tested approach.  


  • We show you the best, we don't show you the worst.
  • We show you people who follow the plans, not those who are all talk.
  • We show you those who inspire even us with their commitment to their results.
  • You cannot get results exactly like these. You are unique and that means you can only get your own best possible results.
  • Your results are a function of time spent following the plan; your genetic response to the right exercise and diet program; how hard you train; how consistently you come to the gym; how disciplined you are with your diet; & your starting point.
  • Oftentimes the lower your starting point (poor fitness, terrible body composition) the better your results.
  • We cannot do the work for you and the results you see here are a testament to the work ethic of our clients.
  • Our reputation is that we are the best trainers in the world for helping you to unlock your potential, & we can lead you to the door, give you the key, even turn the handle and push the door open, but we cannot walk through it for you.
    In the end the result is down to you.

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