“The amount of medication I was on was ridiculous. I think in a couple of months I’ll probably be off them all.”

42-year-old Daljit was drowning in responsibility.

A committed father and dependable project manager at work, he was also heavily involved in running his family business.

While Daljit’s workload was just about manageable, his allergies and asthma were flaring up worse than ever. He was also experiencing low moods and found it difficult to focus.

Losing almost 11kg with U.P. has changed his life in ways he didn’t think possible. He’s reduced his need for medication almost entirely and feels great in his body after being inspired by his wife’s transformation at U.P.

Read more about how Daljit become fitter than ever and left his doctor stunned here…

 | Ultimate Performance

What motivated you to reach out to U.P. and start a personal training program?

My wife. After our second child she wanted to lose weight, but she wasn’t seeing the progress she wanted with her previous personal trainer.

I spent a few weeks chatting with different companies and trainers. Then I came across U.P. and loved what I saw. All the transformation photos and reviews were inspiring.

The structure was excellent. My wife’s trainer gave her a brilliant diet and workout plan and kept her on track.

That gave me confidence that U.P. could deliver results for me too. My wife’s transformation was amazing; she looked incredible. Once I’d seen her results, it motivated me to start my own program.


How would you describe your lifestyle before your partnered with U.P.?

My diet was all over the place. I ate a lot of processed foods, quick easy meals and takeaways, so I had an extremely poor lifestyle.

I didn’t get much exercise and gained a lot of weight – my health was declining. I noticed it really started to affect my confidence and personality. I wasn’t calm and felt stressed because I wasn’t working out or eating quality foods.

I lost all my discipline, which led to a lot of ups and downs throughout the day.


Has your transformation helped your turn a corner in your life?

Since joining U.P. and working out, my personality and mood have completely changed. I feel calm, motivated and more committed to simply doing better in life.

I wanted to make changes to my health, and I was keen to see how I could manage my stress. It was also important to set an example for the kids and learn to keep calm when they drive me nuts!

You’ve made incredible changes to your physique, Daljit. How do you feel about yourself now?

My body is much tighter and there are no jiggly bits. My weight has come down and my energy is now consistent throughout the day.

My mood swings decreased and I feel motivated to eat well, work out and go for walks.

I’d say I’m a lot more approachable at work, too. I’ve seen fat around my face drop which is a great feeling – the progress that you make motivates you to stay active.

I wake up full of energy now. Before, I was questioning why I was getting up and going to work. I have a much more positive feeling every morning now, and I’m a lot calmer.


You’ve also reduced the need for medication to treat your allergies. Tell us about that.

I’ve seen huge physical changes which have really made a difference. I’m back into my running and have no issue running 10k.

In the past, I would take my inhaler several times through the run, whereas now I don’t feel like I need it. I’ve got asthma and allergies which have calmed down now, and I take less medication which is a great sign.

I think that’s been the most important part of my transformation – my health.

The amount of medication I was on was ridiculous. That’s dropped to one or two now. And I think in a couple of months I’ll probably be off them all.

The return on investment is huge because I would suffer from the side effects of my medication. It affected my mood.

My life is a lot better now I’m nearly off that medication. Even my doctor has been surprised by my results.


Do you think your transformation has affected your productivity at work?

I’m a project manager, so I’m constantly organising different things and have a lot to deal with at once.

My wife works away too, so I had to make sure I was looking after the kids. Because I wasn’t working out and my diet was poor, little things were affecting my mood.

I felt irritated throughout the day. I didn’t have any drive or motivation to push myself.

I found working out and focusing on my diet has helped me feel good at home and work. And that reflects when you’re working. I’ve had comments like “you’ve changed”, “you’re back to normal” and “you’re more approachable”.

You lead quite a busy life, so were there any obstacles you faced during your time at U.P.?

There were a lot of obstacles, to be honest. Trying to track my nutrition, drop my kids off at school, help with their homework at night, running the family business.

I had to keep on top of quite a few things. But my trainer came up with an excellent plan that motivated me to keep going.

I realised there was a way I could achieve my goals, because I had a trainer who understood my lifestyle and the responsibilities I had outside of work.

He was constantly in touch with me and worked out what I needed to do to ensure I made progress.

If ever I had any questions, he was always there. I would have never lost the amount of weight I did or have this physique if I was on my own. It would have taken me years, not months.


Had you ever followed a weight training plan before?

I didn’t have a clue before. I used to go to the gym but would avoid lifting weights.

If I ever did, I would try life too heavy and my technique wasn’t right.

Now, I’m very confident with my form, whether it’s on a machine or free weights. My trainer has helped me perfect my form – I’ve learnt so much.

There comes a point where you think you’ve mastered it, but there’s always something else you can do better.


Finally Daljit, would you recommend U.P. to other people looking to get in shape?

Absolutely. I recommended it to my family, my younger brother has already joined up. He saw my progress and was interested in starting his own plan.

He’s done weightlifting before, but he’s learnt so much working with his trainer and it’s taken him above where he initially wanted to be.

I know there are a lot of gyms out there, but the level of commitment that you get at U.P. is incredible.

Time for you to make your health a priority? Fitness helped Daljit build the foundations for a healthy, active future. See how a personal training program can help you make profound changes now.


  • We show you the best, we don't show you the worst.
  • We show you people who follow the plans, not those who are all talk.
  • We show you those who inspire even us with their commitment to their results.
  • You cannot get results exactly like these. You are unique and that means you can only get your own best possible results.
  • Your results are a function of time spent following the plan; your genetic response to the right exercise and diet program; how hard you train; how consistently you come to the gym; how disciplined you are with your diet; & your starting point.
  • Oftentimes the lower your starting point (poor fitness, terrible body composition) the better your results.
  • We cannot do the work for you and the results you see here are a testament to the work ethic of our clients.
  • Our reputation is that we are the best trainers in the world for helping you to unlock your potential, & we can lead you to the door, give you the key, even turn the handle and push the door open, but we cannot walk through it for you.
    In the end the result is down to you.

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