With baby number two on the way, Mat and his wife moved house and embarked on an extensive remodelling project.
But four months of DIY construction disrupted his training routine and exacerbated his OCD symptoms.
When he hit the buffers with it all, time-strapped Mat decided it was time to take action – getting back in charge of his physical fitness was one crucial part of it.
He had been following Nick Mitchell and Ultimate Performance for years on social media, and when he saw a post promoting LiveUP – U.P.’s online coaching programme – he knew he had found just the right package to get back in shape.
With his new home gym, and LiveUP’s training and nutrition plan and the support of the LiveUP online community, nothing could stop him from building a physique that every father would be proud of.
“My biggest motivation for maintaining a healthy lifestyle is our four-year-old son. One evening after around eight weeks into the plan, my wife told me that our son had said, ‘He cannot wait until he is big enough to go out to the garage and train with daddy’.
“This absolutely melted my heart and reinforced my desire to continue to set a positive example for him for years to come.”

Mat joined LiveUP’s 12-week transformation programme and trimmed off 6.3kg. In addition, his body fat percentage dropped from over 15% to approximately 8-9%.
The results were so good that Mat has been following LiveUP ever since – and now with his newborn son welcomed into the family, it is helping him keep the ‘dad bod’ at bay.
Mat was no novice when it came to training. He had been exercising for years in his home gym – nicknamed ‘The MatCave’ – and was quite in-the-know about finding his way around the weights room.
“In 2014, when my wife and I decided we wanted to start our family, I cancelled my gym membership and converted our garage into a home gym.
“Since I started training in ‘The MatCave’ I have always written my own training programmes. However, I found myself becoming increasingly confused regarding the correct direction to take my training.
“Having followed Ultimate Performance for years, I implicitly trusted the content they put out based on the quality of the transformations they continually achieved. I decided to put myself in the capable hands of Elliott (Head of LiveUP).”
The training on LiveUP was drastically different from the classic ‘bro split’ Mat had been used to. The full-body workouts meant half the training but twice the results – and having a nutrition plan in place was a game-changer.
“Historically, I had always opted for a ‘body part split’ style of training, performing 4-5 workouts a week. Whereas the LiveUP plan introduced me to the German Body Composition style, full-body workouts performed only three times a week. I had also never previously placed any emphasis on cardiovascular exercise, so the introduction of two sessions per week allowed me to increase my overall fitness.
“The biggest change in terms of my nutrition was the focus on eating a balanced diet based solely on whole foods. Previously I had always prioritised protein above all other macronutrients and significantly under eaten fresh fruit and vegetables. However, as the LiveUP plan is designed to simplify achieving your fitness goals and teach sustainable habits, it eliminates the need for calorie counting and focuses on quantified serving sizes.”
“Since starting the nutrition plan, I have noticed a significant improvement in my overall health and wellbeing. I have more energy, my sleep has improved, and I have not been ill once, even though both my wife and son have fallen ill multiple times.”
As LiveUP is an online training programme, Mat was easily able to progress through the phases of the plan, and tweak his diet where needed with help from the LiveUP community forum, while weekly check-ins kept him accountable and on-track to his goals.
As someone who works out alone at home, Mat found the online community and the Live Q&A sessions to be invaluable resources.
“A huge contributing factor to the motivation is the support and encouragement I have received from the LiveUP online community and the wider Ultimate Performance team. When attending the seminars, I have also had the opportunity to meet and interact with the U.P. trainers and team, forming friendships with a number of them.”
While Mat expected the physical and mental benefits, he found some other things he wasn’t looking for – a new calling and some close personal friendships.
“My primary focus for starting the LiveUP plan was to get back in shape and set a positive example for my son. However, I never expected to form the friendships I have with a number of the other LiveUP members and gain the increased self-confidence and belief in myself that the results and progress have given me.
“During my time on the LiveUP online community, I have found myself adopting a mentoring role and enjoyed helping the other members.
“I am keen to help individuals who come to fitness later in life and might find the traditional gym environment somewhat intimidating. I also intend to continue to promote the LiveUP plan and the benefits of exercise in general for helping individuals manage their mental health in the hope that exercise can help others manage their health, the way it has helped me.”
“As the LiveUP plan has proven time and time again with the staggering transformations it achieves, it works – plain and simple. Providing you commit to the plan and trust in the process, you WILL achieve the results you desire!”
You don’t have to work with a personal trainer face-to-face to get real results.
Why not join LiveUP and reap the benefits of online personal training yourself?
- We show you the best, we don't show you the worst.
- We show you people who follow the plans, not those who are all talk.
- We show you those who inspire even us with their commitment to their results.
- You cannot get results exactly like these. You are unique and that means you can only get your own best possible results.
- Your results are a function of time spent following the plan; your genetic response to the right exercise and diet program; how hard you train; how consistently you come to the gym; how disciplined you are with your diet; & your starting point.
- Oftentimes the lower your starting point (poor fitness, terrible body composition) the better your results.
- We cannot do the work for you and the results you see here are a testament to the work ethic of our clients.
Our reputation is that we are the best trainers in the world for helping you to unlock your potential, & we can lead you to the door, give you the key, even turn the handle and push the door open, but we cannot walk through it for you.
In the end the result is down to you.
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