Chris has built his most incredible physique ever with LiveUP online coaching 10 years after breaking his spine in a horrific accident at work.
Father-of-one Chris was crushed under 380kg of logs a decade ago which left his back shattered and his life in tatters.
Chris was almost killed in the accident and feared he may never walk again, nevermind get lifting weights again and in great shape.
He was forced to move back to his parents’ house, his relationship broke down and it took more than 18 months of painful rehab to enable him to function normally again.
Now at the age of 37, Chris has put the nightmare and the pain behind him to achieve what he never thought possible and build an incredible 12-week body he could be proud of.

“The programme is great. I’ve had abs now for a long time without too much effort. When I take my top off everyone is blown away.
“This is something I want to carry on for as long as I’m able to get to the gym. I have no intention of stopping!
“The knowledge I have learnt will stay with me for life.
“After everything I’ve been through with my physical injuries and everything, if I can do it, anyone can.”
Even to be lifting weights and feeling great again is a huge deal for Chris, who lives with his partner and daughter in Truro, Cornwall, where he runs his own business, W. Spencer Interiors.
It is the culmination of 10 years of hard work to rebuild his life following the accident which left him with shattered vertebrae in his back and forced him to have a kidney removed.
“I was in a pretty bad place after the accident. It took me more than a year and a half to get back to what I would consider a normal life.
“I had to teach myself to get in and out of a car again, to bend, to sit, to stand, to walk more than 100 yards unassisted. It was a very stressful time.
“I had to give up my home and move back in with my parents because I couldn’t look after myself. I had to temporarily close my business down. I went from being very independent and very successful building a business to basically going back to live with my parents.
“The relationship I was in at the time ended because she didn’t want to be with someone who could potentially be disabled.
“I had it all and lost it all.”
It was a depressing time and something he never thought he would overcome.
But fast forward 10 years and his life was back on track, he has a new partner and a six-year-old daughter and his business is thriving.
But the final piece of the jigsaw was wanting to get in shape, have the body he’d always wanted and to be the healthy dad and role model for his little girl.
“A big motivator for doing this LiveUP transformation was being healthy for my daughter.
“I have a strong family background and I would never want her to grow up without me there because I was selfish and wasn’t looking after myself.
“I want to age well, not get the problems that people get when they grow old and I still want to be going to the gym at 50.
“I still want to look good when I take my top off at the beach. I don’t want a gut hanging over my shorts.”
Chris celebrating a victory with his daughter
It was actually an upcoming beach holiday to Ibiza that gave him the motivation he needed to start.
“I was actually eating a double portion of nachos for two people and thinking ‘I’ve got Ibiza in 12 weeks. I really need to sort this out.’
“Then I saw an advert for LiveUP for £50. I literally signed up whilst I was eating my nachos.
“I didn’t want to go another year without getting in shape and it was 10 years since the accident.
“I knew I had the discipline to do it if I had a programme to follow. If I had someone telling me what to eat, how to train and what I had to do, I’m very good at sticking to a plan.”
The LiveUP programme had all that and more – but at £50 per month, Chris had thought it might be too good to be true.
“I wasn’t expecting the diet to be as simple and easy to follow as it was.
“I still can’t believe it was only £50 a month. Most people will blow that on a Friday night without thinking about it.
“But it’s been life-changing.”
The LiveUP programme includes an easy-to-follow diet and training plan, weekly check-ins for accountability, video exercise guides and recipes, as well as a supportive online community.
It really helped Chris take his body from ‘good’ to ‘great’ in a matter of weeks.
He didn’t have to make massive changes to his lifestyle, just simple but profound tweaks to his diet and three training sessions in the gym a week.
“The biggest things I’ve changed are just training consistently 3 times a week, tracking my progress and getting stronger every session.
“My step count has increased too. Before LiveUP, I was probably only doing 6-8,000 a day.
“I essentially doubled my steps per day, so the weight really dropped off in the 12 weeks. Walking makes a huge difference in the number of calories you burn off in a day.”
Chris says before LiveUP, his diet was ‘all over the place’. But the programme has helped him simplify his nutrition, understand the macros and portion sizes he needs, and just focus on enjoying life.
“Fitness is only as complicated as you make it. If you follow the instructions with LiveUP, even a five-year-old could do it.
“I had been trying to diet and get in shape for the best part of 15 years.
“I don’t have to track my calories at all now.
“Now it’s all about eating protein with every meal and simple portion control with my fats and carbs.
“You can have carbs. You’re not suffering or eating tiny rabbit portions of salad. It’s so simple.
“If you stick to the plan, hit your daily step count and get to the gym and train with some intent, you can’t NOT succeed.”
Chris, happy and healthy and supporting his family
Chris says the results he achieved in 12 weeks on LiveUP were unbelievable.
He got the body he wanted for Ibiza.
But it was the impact on his health and other areas of his life that really took him by surprise.
“This programme has been truly life-changing. After my accident and the injuries I suffered, I never thought I would be able to get the body that I have now achieved.
“Not just the physical appearance, but the ability to move and function and lift certain weights again.
“It’s given me a lot more flexibility and a lot more mobility again. It has enabled me to go on longer walks with the family because before LiveUP, if we took the dogs out for a walk, within about 20 minutes, my back would be killing and I’d want to stop.
“The overall health benefits have been overwhelming for me. My missus and anyone that knows me would say the same – it’s changed my life for the better.”
Twelve weeks was not the end for Chris, it was just the beginning.
He has been able to carry on with LiveUP and the knowledge he has learned – he’s still getting stronger, building more muscle and staying in shape.
Chris has taken back the reigns over his life, with U.P. helping him to achieve the levels of health and fitness his injuries had held him from – Read more about what LiveUP can do for you
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- We show you those who inspire even us with their commitment to their results.
- You cannot get results exactly like these. You are unique and that means you can only get your own best possible results.
- Your results are a function of time spent following the plan; your genetic response to the right exercise and diet program; how hard you train; how consistently you come to the gym; how disciplined you are with your diet; & your starting point.
- Oftentimes the lower your starting point (poor fitness, terrible body composition) the better your results.
- We cannot do the work for you and the results you see here are a testament to the work ethic of our clients.
Our reputation is that we are the best trainers in the world for helping you to unlock your potential, & we can lead you to the door, give you the key, even turn the handle and push the door open, but we cannot walk through it for you.
In the end the result is down to you.
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