A businesswoman who had struggled with her weight her entire life has achieved an incredible transformation with Ultimate Performance.

Filiz had suffered chronic back pain for years and was unable to exercise or run, and had almost given up trying to lose weight.

But U.P.’s world-class personal trainers helped design a programme that meant she could train pain-free and the results were astonishing.

In just 24 weeks, Filiz managed to shed 70lbs (32kg) and cut her body fat in half – something she previously thought was impossible.

Feliz's 24 Week Transformation | Ultimate Performance

“I achieved a lot. My back pain is literally gone. There’s nothing there anymore. I’ve lost 70lbs (32kg), which is something I thought I would never achieve.”

“When I see my family, which I haven’t seen for a long time, or friends, everyone’s always like ‘how did you do it? You look so much better’. I feel so much better; I feel healthier; I feel fitter; I don’t get out of breath easily anymore.”


Her U.P. personal trainer Harry crafted a basic but individualised training programme that took her limitations into account and got her exercising without pain so that she could lose weight effectively.

Filiz was also able to revolutionise her diet with U.P.’s expert nutrition guidance – and it’s something she has learned a great deal about with U.P.

Before she was eating things like bread, cheese and ham for breakfast; shop-bought sandwiches and chocolate for lunch, and things like macaroni and cheese or spaghetti bolognese for her evening meal.

During her programme, she switched to eating higher protein meals with lots of vegetables and healthy fats. Her breakfast consisted of things like scrambled eggs and spinach; lunch was meals like chicken and stir fry vegetables; her evening meal would be more lean protein, while she snacked on Greek yoghurt, berries and nuts.

It all added up to really impressive results for Filiz over her 24-week programme – and she was thrilled with the outcome.

“I know now that I can achieve what I have achieved,” she says. “I want to achieve even more.”

“I will highly recommend other people to go to U.P. My experience has been amazing and U.P. will be a part of my life for a very long time.”

What inspired you to sign up to Personal Training with U.P.?

My brother was at U.P. and he had an amazing transformation and he has been talking about U.P. the entire time he’s been there, I think he’s been there two years, and still is.

I’ve been overweight the entire time. I’ve had back problems and everything. Then it came together and my brother was saying ‘go to U.P. Go to U.P.’ So then when I came to London to do my studies, I thought ‘I think it’s time.’ I finished my studies and thought ‘it’s now or never.’

 | Ultimate Performance

* Results may vary | Results are based on individual circumstances | Timeframes for results are not guaranteed | Willpower is always required!

Read more inspiring body transformation stories from UP clients in our Real Results section.

What do you think you’ve achieved with U.P.?

I achieved a lot. My back pain is literally gone. There’s nothing there anymore. I’ve lost 70lbs (32kg), which I thought I would never achieve.

When I see my family, which I haven’t seen for a long time, or friends, everyone’s always like ‘how did you do it? You look so much better’. I feel so much better; I feel healthier; I feel fitter; I don’t get out of breath easily anymore. I can literally keep up with my friends when we have to walk somewhere fast. Or like quickly run for the tube or bus. It’s just really nice to feel like that.

I know now that I can achieve what I have achieved. I want to achieve even more. I want to climb Mount Roy in New Zealand.

 | Ultimate Performance

* Results may vary | Results are based on individual circumstances | Timeframes for results are not guaranteed | Willpower is always required!

What have you learned since training with U.P.?

I’ve learned a lot about nutrition and about what I can eat. For example, on the refeed day, which I started a couple of months ago, I thought ‘Oh my God! 100g of carbs, that’s like so much! I’m going to gain like 2kg’ because that’s what I used to do.

But I had a lasagne and when people see me eat they don’t think I’m on a diet. So I actually learned that it’s good to actually eat things  – just eat the right things, I don’t feel like I’ve been on a diet.

Thinking ‘I can’t eat after 4 pm’ or eat at 9 pm or 10 pm in the evening, like have a yoghurt. Before, I would be like ‘oh my god. I can’t touch that at 9 pm in the evening, it just goes to your body.’

And I’ve learned that I can really push myself. Pain is only there for a short while. What I have achieved is amazing to me.

What’s next for you?

I want to lose another 22lbs (10kg). I’m going to do that until April. But if I don’t do the 22lbs (10kg) by April, I’m not going to think ‘oh my god I didn’t achieve it’. But just small steps.

If you’re inspired by Filiz’s transformation and are ready to get your own incredible results, speak to us about our Personal Training Plans or simply tell us your goals on the form below…


  • We show you the best, we don't show you the worst.
  • We show you people who follow the plans, not those who are all talk.
  • We show you those who inspire even us with their commitment to their results.
  • You cannot get results exactly like these. You are unique and that means you can only get your own best possible results.
  • Your results are a function of time spent following the plan; your genetic response to the right exercise and diet program; how hard you train; how consistently you come to the gym; how disciplined you are with your diet; & your starting point.
  • Oftentimes the lower your starting point (poor fitness, terrible body composition) the better your results.
  • We cannot do the work for you and the results you see here are a testament to the work ethic of our clients.
  • Our reputation is that we are the best trainers in the world for helping you to unlock your potential, & we can lead you to the door, give you the key, even turn the handle and push the door open, but we cannot walk through it for you.
    In the end the result is down to you.

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