27-year-old Alex had not been happy with her figure for years – but no amount of spin sessions or fitness classes in the gym changed this.
Having always lacked self-confidence, she had tried different types of diets her whole life, but nothing seemed to work.
With a holiday looming, Alex had never been confident enough to have photos taken while on her travels.
She didn’t want to spend another holiday missing out on priceless memories – so she came to Ultimate Performance for a proven system to help hit her weight loss goals.
Alex’s 25-week tailor-made training and nutrition plan helped her lose a jaw-dropping 20kg – but more importantly, it has finally allowed her to feel good about herself in front of the camera.
“I think I’ve always been on some type of diet all my life. I’ve always gone through phases of dieting or exercise, whether it’s keto or just intermittent fasting.
“I’ve also gone through phases of doing intense spin sessions or whatever, but I’ve never done a diet or done anything where I’ve been completely happy with my shape.
“I’ve never had the results that U.P. have delivered before, so I think the proof is in the results, really.
“Now, the thought of going on holiday and maybe just having some nice photos in a place is just really nice.”
Alex had a holiday booked in with her partner for the end of her transformation – giving her the perfect motivation to achieve her fitness goals.
It was a journey they had both begun together, wanting to try results-focused personal training and finally get in the shape they wanted.
“What brought me to U.P. was a combined effort of me and my partner trying out personal training. It’s just something that neither of us had ever done before, and we both wanted to lose weight. I also wanted to feel good while I was on holiday.
“I’ve never been on a holiday and taken a lot of pictures before, I’m just not really a person who likes photos. But the thought of going on holiday and just having some nice photos somewhere is really nice.”
Alex explains that she lacked discipline and any real plan when it came to her diet – and she had tried every fad diet under the sun.
Although food and nutrition were often on her mind, she could never master it in a sustainable way until she came to U.P.
“I was generally always unhappy and not content with my previous lifestyle, I was always thinking about food, dieting and weight loss. I don’t think I’ve ever eaten as healthily as I do now, and I just think I was probably just never convinced that I could eat well.
“I always thought I had to be really restrictive, just not eat anything to lose weight. I didn’t realise introducing carbs into my diet would then boost my weight loss, which it has done. I just found that hard to be convinced of.”
Alex on holiday before joining U.P., versus her post-transformation holiday glow.
Alex said stepping into the gym for the first time and getting the hang of weight training was a little nerve-wracking.
However, under her coach’s guidance, she soon became comfortable training this way and began reaping the rewards.
“I found the process quite intimidating at the start, I would say because I’ve genuinely never gone into a gym and lifted any weights before.
“I’ve not even gone to real classes that have used weights. I’ve always chosen more cardio-based classes before. Having the guidance with the weights was the perfect combination for me.”
Aside from Alex’s impressive physical transformation, she noticed so many other benefits in different aspects of her life that she never expected.
“I would say my confidence has increased. I’m not naturally a confident person anyway, I never have been. But I just think I now have more confidence in my ability to do new things.
“For example, going into a class and being able to feel good and perform movements that I’ve never been able to do before, makes me leave the class feeling even better.
“So even if it’s not just a self-confidence thing, it’s just I have more confidence in my own ability.”
Delighted with her mental and physical transformation, Alex also was able to wear clothes to the gym she wouldn’t have dreamed of before partnering with U.P.
Being able to show her midriff off in a yoga class was a personal highlight of her fitness journey.
“The highlight of my journey was probably going into a yoga class for the first time and actually being able to show my midriff off, because I’ve never done that ever.
“I’ve never gone into a gym and just worn leggings and a sports bra. I’ve always worn shirts over the top. So then just to have even just a bit of my middle out was a huge thing for me.”
Alex’s incredible 20kg transformation results have not gone unnoticed by her loved ones.
The only drawback has been she has had to buy a whole new wardrobe for her svelte new figure.
Holiday before and after: Alex radiating with confidence following her 25-week transformation at U.P.
“I think my friends and family are just shocked at where I am, because I’ve always been a little bit bigger. I’ve never been slim.
“I would say because I’m quite small anyway, I’ve always just been compared to like, ‘Oh, you’re a bit like your dad’s side of the family, a bit chunkier.’
“So I think it’s more just shock. People are just like, “Oh God!” Because I’ve never been this thin before!
“I have been as big as like a 14. Whereas now I’m struggling to find clothes that fit in a six, so I’m probably a size four to six now!”
- We show you the best, we don't show you the worst.
- We show you people who follow the plans, not those who are all talk.
- We show you those who inspire even us with their commitment to their results.
- You cannot get results exactly like these. You are unique and that means you can only get your own best possible results.
- Your results are a function of time spent following the plan; your genetic response to the right exercise and diet program; how hard you train; how consistently you come to the gym; how disciplined you are with your diet; & your starting point.
- Oftentimes the lower your starting point (poor fitness, terrible body composition) the better your results.
- We cannot do the work for you and the results you see here are a testament to the work ethic of our clients.
Our reputation is that we are the best trainers in the world for helping you to unlock your potential, & we can lead you to the door, give you the key, even turn the handle and push the door open, but we cannot walk through it for you.
In the end the result is down to you.
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