| Ultimate Performance | Ultimate Performance

Our culture

What makes us different?

Ultimate Performance is the world’s only truly global personal training business. We have created an effective personal training model that delivers the same outstanding results across gyms, countries and continents with thousands of different clients.

No other business comes close. What has allowed us a consistent service with consistent results is the unique culture we have built here.

 | Ultimate Performance

We have created a culture of excellence

Our model is often imitated, but our culture can never be replicated.   

It is a culture of excellence that is built on layers of accountability from the initiate trainer right up to the global CEO. We track everything and leave nothing to chance.  

Every one of our senior leaders globally has come through the ranks of our rigorous junior mentorship program. So, from the bottom up, every member of the team shares our vision and lives and breathes our results-driven ethos. 

 | Ultimate Performance

We are accountable to you

We hold ourselves accountable to the highest of standards, demanding excellence at every level. We move heaven and earth to ensure you get the return that your investment of time and money deserve. 

Our trainers are truly world-class – only 1 in 100 applicants make the cut for a career with us. 

But there is no magic to what we do. We do the basics, and we do them well. We know it is consistency, hard work and attention to detail that delivers the results we are known for.   

 | Ultimate Performance

We have built an environment that breeds success

Everything is set up for you to succeed. We have built a whole ecosystem of world-class experts, facilities, and systems that empower trainers and clients alike to excel. 

Our personalised programs are shaped around the client using dozens of data points, from sleep quality to stress levels. Our global Education Team keeps our trainers at the cutting-edge of science. Our proprietorial app technology tracks the metrics that matter for maximum results. 

All of this means you cannot fail to achieve your most ambitious goals if you are willing to commit to the process.  

 | Ultimate Performance

We are singularly focused on your results

We are driven by your goals at Ultimate Performance, and we live and die by your results. Our ‘maximum results, minimum time’ mantra is in our DNA. With our trainers, success is incentivised and demonstrating tangible evidence of results is richly rewarded. 

This tangible evidence that a client has enjoyed a significant return on their investment is the only way to progress their careers. Unlike the rest of the fitness industry, we don’t pay more pro-rata for delivering higher session totals. Instead, each and every trainer only gets promoted or paid more money by demonstrating hard evidence that we are delivering on our promises to our clients.

 | Ultimate Performance

We pioneer tech blending the science and art of personal coaching

With the modern fitness industry, people are drowning in meaningless metrics on apps created by tech companies – not by fitness experts working closely with real people with real challenges at the ‘coal face’.

What is singularly different about Ultimate Performance is that we pioneer new technology, battle-tested in the trenches with thousands of clients. This proprietary tech synthesises the evolving science of human performance data tracking with the art of personal coaching.

Working with us, you don’t just get a trainer – you get a whole team of experts focused on your well-being. This includes our 25-strong in-house tech development arm that is dedicated to working with our personal training team to create and iterate on technology products that bring tangible benefits to you, the user.

 | Ultimate Performance

We pride ourselves on honesty, integrity and partnership

Our ethos is built on values of honesty and integrity. So when it comes to your health, we tell you exactly what you need to hear to get the outcomes you want, as you would expect from any professional advisor.

We care deeply about your results. We know that achieving the exceptional requires a partnership where the client and trainer are invested in the process together.

Our unique, results-driven approach means we are more than just a personal trainer. We are an expert coach, a trusted advisor and a professional partner supporting you around the clock and managing every aspect of your journey.

 | Ultimate Performance

We never stop evolving our methods

Like you, we are on our own journey of transformation. Our culture is defined by ceaseless progression, innovation and self-improvement.  Everything we do is driven towards sharpening our methodologies, improving our systems and enhancing our results for clients.   

We invest in our own research and development. We have developed our own ground-breaking app technology and data analytics.  

Now we are spearheading a series of collaborative studies with some of the world’s leading scientists and academic institutions, including Cambridge University and the University of California.  

 | Ultimate Performance

We deliver outcomes way beyond a ‘before and after’ 

We are known for our eye-catching physical transformations. But only 30% of our clients come to us looking for a ‘six-pack’.

For everyone else, health and vitality are the main motivating factors. We track every metric imaginable to show our clients tangible outcomes for their health.

Our data allows us to demonstrate life-changing improvements in objective health measures, such as blood pressure, cholesterol and BMI. But also qualitative measures, such as mood, sleep and energy levels. More than just ‘before and afters’, our results are truly transformative.

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We are looking to expand our number of gyms in several locations around the globe. Register your interest in having a U.P. gym in your city.

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  • Montenegro
  • Netherlands
  • Republic of North Macedonia
  • Norway
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  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Russia
  • San Marino
  • Serbia
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
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  • Ukraine
  • Vatican City (Holy See)

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