Rob was overweight and felt constantly tired and sluggish before he started his body transformation.

The 40-year-old was unhappy with the way he looked and wanted change.

Now Rob has lost 23kg and cut his body fat down to a lean 11% to build the best body he’s ever had after coming to Ultimate Performance.

Gaining control of his diet and changing his lifestyle hasn’t just given him an impressive new body – he’s got more energy than ever and his productivity at work is sky-high.

“The results were, to put it simply, somewhat life-changing.

“The biggest benefits I experience were improved confidence and mental health, a focus on something that was not work, and the headspace that comes with having something that you own and focus on.”

Here Rob explains what changed with his diet and how his training has improved his mindset and focus at work…

Take me to the relevant section:

How were you physically and mentally before starting with UP?
What was your health and lifestyle like before you started?
What was your diet like before you started your transformation with UP?
What kinds of things were you eating every day and how did this affect you?
How did your diet and lifestyle change when you started with UP?
What effect did this have on your health, performance, lifestyle and energy levels?
How did you find the training and did it fit around your busy lifestyle?
What results did you achieve following your transformation?
What were the most important things you learned during your transformation?
How has doing this transformation changed you?
Would you recommend UP?

Result-robs-40s-40wk-front-900 | Ultimate Performance


What were your motivations to start a transformation?

My expectations were that the training and standards needed to be high and that I wanted to set a series of goals for the long term.

The transformation part was key, but it was not to be a skinny version of myself, it was to take a longer-term view.

From a motivational perspective, there were three key aspects: getting fitter and stronger, mentally having the clarity of thought that comes with training, and to change the way I looked.

How were you physically and mentally before starting with UP?

Physically, I was unhappy with the way I looked and was out of shape. I felt sluggish and slow. Mentally, I was tired and lacked a level of motivation on the physical front.

What was your health and lifestyle like before you started?

Rob S farmers walks - Client of the Month

My health and lifestyle were both okay, or so I thought.

I travel a great deal for work, so food and alcohol played a big part and you can delude yourself into thinking you’re fitter and healthier than you are because there is also a comparison that’s worse.

What was your diet like before you started your transformation with UP?

My food quality was good, but portion control and too much of the wrong kinds carbohydrates played a large part in my diet, as did alcohol.

What kinds of things were you eating every day and how did this affect you?

I was eating a lot of pasta and carbohydrates, which led to the general feeling of being sluggish.


How did your diet and lifestyle change when you started with UP?

Rob S Client of the Month

It was a 360-degree change; no alcohol for seven months, a much better understanding of portion control and the right food and fuel.

The reality is the quality of food and what you can do with it does not really change, whereas the portion size and when and how much you eat really does.

It made me realise that, in general, I was eating way too much for the amount I was moving and the wrong types of food.

The result was I became more disciplined around what I would eat and when and have a far more active lifestyle.

What effect did this have on your health, performance, lifestyle and energy levels?

It had a huge effect. My general level of energy in work day-to-day shifted and I found myself more alert, able to work longer and harder, and from a mental perspective have a far brighter outlook on things. My stress levels dropped significantly.

How did you find the training and did it fit around your busy lifestyle?

Rob 40 weeks transformation - side

Everyone can make excuses, but it’s about routine. I made it work and UP were flexible.

Having gyms in different locations was good. I think that everyone can create the space, you just substitute sleeping in, going for a boozy lunch or not doing something, for training.

What results did you achieve following your transformation?

We’re not done yet! But the results over 10 months were significant. I went from 106 kg and 35% body fat to 83kg and 11% body fat, but we maintained an emphasis on keeping strength and conditioning. The results were, to put it simply, somewhat life-changing.

Rob 40 weeks transformation - back


What were the most important things you learned during your transformation?

I learned just to apply a level of discipline to what you’re doing and that like most things that are an effort, the results only come based on what you put in.

The UP trainer I had helped a great deal. We mixed up the training and he was superb at creating the right programs for where we wanted to go and then providing the right level of motivation and push during the sessions.


How has doing this transformation changed you?

It’s made me realise I will never go back to the way I was in terms of lifestyle.

It’s given me a better understanding of how to feed and change my body, and it’s made me a far more relaxed person in general.

Would you recommend UP?

Rob-S tricep pushdown - Client of the month

Yes, absolutely. The quality of training is beyond anything else out there and the attention to detail around the programs created and diet that’s tailored specifically to the individual makes a huge difference.

It’s not a one-size-fits-all approach.

There is a high level of education amongst the staff around new training techniques and challenging their clients, which keeps the environment and training interesting.

The quality of trainers is extremely high.

I have trained in four different UP locations and the standards are all the same.

Ready to get started on your own transformation? FILL IN THE ENQUIRY FORM BELOW TO GET STARTED


  • We show you the best, we don't show you the worst.
  • We show you people who follow the plans, not those who are all talk.
  • We show you those who inspire even us with their commitment to their results.
  • You cannot get results exactly like these. You are unique and that means you can only get your own best possible results.
  • Your results are a function of time spent following the plan; your genetic response to the right exercise and diet program; how hard you train; how consistently you come to the gym; how disciplined you are with your diet; & your starting point.
  • Oftentimes the lower your starting point (poor fitness, terrible body composition) the better your results.
  • We cannot do the work for you and the results you see here are a testament to the work ethic of our clients.
  • Our reputation is that we are the best trainers in the world for helping you to unlock your potential, & we can lead you to the door, give you the key, even turn the handle and push the door open, but we cannot walk through it for you.
    In the end the result is down to you.

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