Feeling tired, unfit and overweight was something that Remco was noticing more and more before he came to UP.

Short walks and jobs around the house would leave him out of breath and just wanting to lie on the sofa – he knew he needed to get in shape.
But after just 12 weeks at Ultimate Performance Remco is fitter, stronger and leaner than he could ever have imagined.
What started with a modest goal finished 12 weeks later with impressive weight loss and a new muscular physique.
Remco now says he has more energy than ever before and is happy with his new active lifestyle.
Working with UP has shown the huge difference weight training and proper nutrition can make to your health, your body and your fitness levels.
His efforts in the gym toward his 12-week transformation have seen him earn the status of UP Client of the Month for September.

 | Ultimate Performance

What were your expectations going into the programme, and what were your motivations?

“I actually didn’t have too many expectations, I was primarily looking for a personal training program which would help me in becoming fit again and which would increase my energy levels.

My only true expectation was for an experienced, enthusiastic and driven trainer and dietary advice.”


Can you tell me how you were feeling both physically and mentally before starting with UP?

“Not too bad, I was becoming a bit overweight though, and on occasions short of energy.

I noticed that some clothing started becoming a tight fit, in addition to having to increase the number of holes on my belts.

Physically, I noticed that short walks, rides on a bike and chores in and around the house would end up leaving me winded. This often led to plopping down on the sofa – an easy and often made choice.”

What was your diet and lifestyle like before you started your transformation with UP?

Remco - Client of the Month - Back Results | Ultimate Performance

“I wasn’t paying too much attention to my diet, but in general it wasn’t too bad, I always did try to eat
(relatively) healthy. I was however consuming too much alcohol on a regular basis.

The issue did not lie with eating the wrong products, but rather in overeating. My dietary habits focused too much on carbohydrates instead of proteins.”

How did your diet and lifestyle change when you started your transformation with UP?

“My trainer Joyce was a huge help with this, especially with advising on the diet, but in essence it came down to reducing carbs and increasing the protein intake, and also not unimportantly, hardly any alcohol…

My trainer clearly explained why I should be focussing more on proteins and less on carbs. This distinction made it easy for me to pick up. Furthermore, my trainer was a valuable source of inspiration that led me to start moving more outside of our training sessions. This eventually led me to do a bi-weekly run.


What effect did this have on your health, performance, lifestyle and energy inside and outside the gym?

“During my first meeting I was thoroughly measured and my goals were discussed together with my trainer in
order to create a goal that I could stand by and hope to achieve.

During the 12-week period I was measured every week in order to chart my progress and, honestly, I was surprised with my progress. This resulted in adjusting my goals during the 12 weeks. From just a fit body, and an increased energy level, a new goal was added: lowering my bodyfat percentage. During the last month I increased the number of training sessions from 2 times a week to 3 times. This led to a result that I could not have dreamt of before I started training: a bodyfat percentage of 14.1%.

In summary everything went up, especially a significant increase in energy levels.

How did you find the training and did it fit around your busy lifestyle?

“The training was fun, though in the beginning it was a bit challenging to learn the correct techniques. However my trainer was great in teaching these as well.

There was a, what I would call a “motor skill” adjustment period, every time I received a new training
program. My trainer would take her time explaining the programs every first two training sessions with
these programs.
She would show the exercises, explain how to properly execute them and which muscles to utilise. This resulted in being able to increase the weights used during these programs.”

What were your results like after your transformation?

Incline Bench Press - Client of the Month | Ultimate Performance

“I can only say that at the end of the transformation I am more than happy with the results.

I have learned a great deal about lifestyle and nutrition. I am more energetic. I find myself making the choice to actively do something instead of passively sitting on the sofa. Increasing the workout weights keeps me motivated and gives my a “fit” feeling.

The motivation and encouragement from my trainer gave me the confidence that I could keep adding weights during the workouts.

In general a big loss in weight combined with muscle increase.”

What were the most important things you learned during your journey and what really worked for you in helping you make your transformation?

“The relatively small changes in diet and lifestyle can have such a huge impact both physically and
mentally. What really worked was the fixed schedule of the training and the dedication of the trainer to help you to reach your goal.”

How has doing this transformation changed you and do you think it will benefit you going forward?

It has shown me that a lot can be achieved in a relatively short time and the change in diet can have great benefits going forward.

Would you recommend UP and why?

Absolutely, the dedication of my trainer combined with the excellent gym itself was a great experience.

If you are looking for an exercise program which will produce results in a relatively short time then UP should be your choice.

Feeling inspired and ready to start your own transformation journey? Fill in the enquiry form below.


  • We show you the best, we don't show you the worst.
  • We show you people who follow the plans, not those who are all talk.
  • We show you those who inspire even us with their commitment to their results.
  • You cannot get results exactly like these. You are unique and that means you can only get your own best possible results.
  • Your results are a function of time spent following the plan; your genetic response to the right exercise and diet program; how hard you train; how consistently you come to the gym; how disciplined you are with your diet; & your starting point.
  • Oftentimes the lower your starting point (poor fitness, terrible body composition) the better your results.
  • We cannot do the work for you and the results you see here are a testament to the work ethic of our clients.
  • Our reputation is that we are the best trainers in the world for helping you to unlock your potential, & we can lead you to the door, give you the key, even turn the handle and push the door open, but we cannot walk through it for you.
    In the end the result is down to you.

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