A personal trainer has sculpted an athletic new figure training with Ultimate Performance.

Lisa shed nearly 2 stone of fat with the help of UP’s world class trainers.

UP’s expert training programmes and nutritional coaching helped her drop from 76kg to 64kg and get in the best shape of her life.

She is thrilled with the results and how she is able to maintain her new figure while still enjoying nights out.

Lisa's 10 Month Online Personal Training Transformation | Ultimate Performance

“My physical appearance is much more athletic, and that’s just exactly what I wanted it to be, she says. “I’m leaner than I was this time last year and I can maintain that, and I still manage to go out for a drink or a meal. So I’m really happy with that.

I have so much more confidence in my job. I have a lot more confidence in my physical appearance. I feel that because I’ve learned so much more, I’m a more credible personal trainer.

She came to UP to kickstart her fitness and physique after feeling like she was in a rut with her training and nutrition.

Lisa, who works as a PT in a commercial gym, said she relished the intense training environment of UP and was inspired and motivated seeing clients working out with maximum effort.

* Results may vary | Results are based on individual circumstances | Timeframes for results are not guaranteed | Willpower is always required!


UP’s diet and nutrition coaching was something that helped her get her stunning transformations results.

Before, Lisa knew the importance of macronutrients like protein as a PT, but with UP’s guidance she was able to understand and implement advice on programming her diet, tracking her food intake and finding the right amount of calories and macro split for her body type and goals.

Tracking her eating, along with qualitative factors like energy, mood and satiety, as well as bi-weekly check-ins with her UP trainer to increase her awareness and accountability paid dividends for her results.

She achieved a very low level of body fat for her photoshoot, but following the same basic nutrition principles she learned with UP means she has managed to stay in amazing shape.

Lisa completed her transformation online with UP alongside her partner Thomas, who also got in incredible shape…

Here’s what Lisa said about her transformation journey with UP and how it has changed her life…

Did you have any doubts or reservations about starting online training with UP?

I had no doubts. I knew that being accountable to someone and the financial investment was going to put me back on track, and I knew that surrounding myself with someone who was more knowledgeable than me would be inspiring and motivating and that would kickstart me back towards my transformation.

Do you feel you had plateaued with your training before you had joined UP?

Yes, perhaps you fall into a rut of doing the exercises that are most comfortable and maybe avoiding the ones that you’re bad at, and you forget certain exercises. Having someone else there jogs up your routine a little bit, so yes.

UP can be quite an intense environment, did you feel comfortable and supported by your trainer and the overall team?

Yes, I felt so comfortable. I was actually looking forward to an intense environment. As a personal trainer working in a commercial gym, sometimes I lack that drive that I wish was there because there’s just not that intense atmosphere at a gym like that. I like to see people training hard, I like to see them putting in their maximum effort – it inspires and motivates me.

* Results may vary | Results are based on individual circumstances | Timeframes for results are not guaranteed | Willpower is always required!

How would you describe the training experience? From the gym training to the nutritional coaching?

The training was (and continues to be) amazing. I really love training; it’s part of my life.

So sometimes it’s easy to fall into that trap of always doing the exercises that you like or that you’re good at. This way, with my trainer JT, I got a mixture of both, because he was putting me in a situation where I have to do some exercises that are going to benefit me, that I need to do. At the same time, I also got to do loads of exercises that I really enjoyed.

How did you find the nutrition from what you did before UP?

In terms of the nutrition, it was amazing. It was such an eye-opener, especially with the instructions to use MyFitnessPal; I thought it was really the key to getting results.

It has changed my life, because I have that information now to move forward, so I can maintain what I have achieved much easier.

When I need to tighten the grip a little bit, I just go back into it and do it. I feel much more in control of my diet now.

What have your results been like since you joined UP?

My physical appearance is much more athletic, and that’s just exactly what I wanted it to be. I’m leaner than I was this time last year and I can maintain that, and I still manage to go out for a drink or a meal. So I’m really happy with that. The time, the effort and the financial investment have resulted in confidence that no words can vindicate.

Were you happy with your photoshoot?

I was really happy with my photo shoot. I never thought that that was something I was ever going to do, even though I’m a personal trainer. But I actually proved to myself that ‘yes, I can actually get those results.’

How was it dieting with Thomas as well?

Obviously, it helped a lot having someone going on the same journey alongside you. It means you have that support, you’re on the same page, and you’re both there to keep each other on track. It was so much help.

Do you feel different about yourself since personal training with us?

I have so much more confidence in my job. I have a lot more confidence in my physical appearance. I feel that because I’ve learned so much more, I’m a more credible personal trainer.

If you’re inspired by Lisa’s transformation, speak to us about how we can help you get maximum results in minimum time.


  • We show you the best, we don't show you the worst.
  • We show you people who follow the plans, not those who are all talk.
  • We show you those who inspire even us with their commitment to their results.
  • You cannot get results exactly like these. You are unique and that means you can only get your own best possible results.
  • Your results are a function of time spent following the plan; your genetic response to the right exercise and diet program; how hard you train; how consistently you come to the gym; how disciplined you are with your diet; & your starting point.
  • Oftentimes the lower your starting point (poor fitness, terrible body composition) the better your results.
  • We cannot do the work for you and the results you see here are a testament to the work ethic of our clients.
  • Our reputation is that we are the best trainers in the world for helping you to unlock your potential, & we can lead you to the door, give you the key, even turn the handle and push the door open, but we cannot walk through it for you.
    In the end the result is down to you.

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