We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again… 12-week transformations at UP are never just about the ‘before and after’.

Personal training at Ultimate Performance is much more than the 1 hour spent at the gym, it’s the support, the guidance and the lifestyle choices our trainers help their clients make for the other 23 hours of their day, every day – they are invested in your transformation as much as you are.

Colin was fed up – he felt in his words “fat and lazy” and there’s only so much of that he could take. It’s safe to say that Colin has made an incredible physical change but there’s always a reason for our clients wanting to make that change and that reason is always psychological. Our experience goes way beyond ‘a good training session’, that’s not why our trainers are ‘UP trainers’ and what Colin has achieved out of that is incredible… see for yourself?

Colins Transformation Results | Ultimate Performance

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again… 12-week transformations at UP are never just about the ‘before and after’. Personal training at Ultimate Performance is much more than the 1 hour spent at the gym, it’s the support, the guidance and the lifestyle choices our trainers help their clients make for the other 23 hours of their day, every day – they are invested in your transformation as much as you are.

Colin was fed up – he felt in his words “fat and lazy” and there’s only so much of that he could take. It’s safe to say that Colin has made an incredible physical change but there’s always a reason for our clients wanting to make that change and that reason is always psychological. Our experience goes way beyond ‘a good training session’, that’s not why our trainers are ‘UP trainers’ and what Colin has achieved out of that is incredible… see for yourself?

colin transformation side view
colin transformation back view

Why Did You Decide to Seek Help?

The reason I walked into the UP was after reading the book ‘The Warrior, The Strategist and You’ by Floyd Woodrow. It made me look at my life and where it was drifting…sitting at a desk, getting lazy and fat.

It made me look at my life and where it was drifting…sitting at a desk, getting lazy and fat.

I wanted to do something about the fat bit and being lazy I found the closest gym to me.

colin after UP session

As soon as I walked in the door though I just felt that this was not your average gym. I had only been in 2 gyms before and both times was to fix something, but the atmosphere was the thing that got to me – not just a bunch of pumped up guys looking at the fat bloke.

My trainer was great at explaining to a complete gym virgin how UP worked and what their ethos was in regards to fitness. It’s not just a case of exercise but nutrition and how it will affect you as well.

Basically the complete starter pack for someone who had no idea what to do or eat!

Did You Have Any Concerns Before Joining UP?

Procrastination is by far the biggest obstacle I faced before starting this challenge.

After meeting my trainer and chatting to him I knew this first step was in the right direction. He explained that if you put the hard work in, listen to him and do it the right way, the result will follow.

Every time I tried to procrastinate he has motivated me.

What Did You Find as a Result of Training with UP?

colin clark training It is hard to put into words how much difference there is. I have more energy in every aspect of life – as a father of 2 small kids I find I am doing more physically without feeling tired, I am even running up the stairs without a second thought.

Before I started, lifting up one of my kids was something that would drain me pretty quickly, even before I had finished the UP course I found myself carrying both kids without even thinking about it (that’s about 16kg for 3yr old son and 22kg for my 7yr old daughter).

You find yourself walking taller and with a bounce in your step too. Before I was very aware of my waistline, after all, it was so far out there, it was easy to spot.

Now I am in need of a complete new wardrobe, a very good problem to have!

Sometimes I have to lift my top up to check I am not dreaming. I wanted to get on the road to a fitter, better ‘me’ and with UP I have found the motorway and an incredible instructor, it’s a great feeling. I now look at what I am putting into my body, which is something I have never really done before. This has opened my eyes to how easy it is to eat well and still enjoy food – it’s not all about salads!

I do still get surprised by how many calories are in some things, I never knew my ex-fave doughnut had over 450 calories.

This journey has only just begun, and it has had a solid start at UP with Chris and the guys and it is up to me to keep it going.

What Did You Like Most About Your Journey with UP?

I am feeling better about myself and my body; something that my wife and several friends have pointed out as well, telling me I seem happier and more energized – it has put me in a better frame of mind.

The benefits of training with Chris and the guys at UP are a better understanding of how and what to eat.

I have learned how to train properly, having been to general purpose-built gym’s to see how badly some people use the machines, it makes me glad that I came to UP.

The mindset that everyone at UP has shown is a positive one, you cannot help but walk out of the door feeling 10 feet tall!

Would You Recommend UP?

Yes, without hesitation.

If you want to get fitter and look better the right way, then go and talk to UP. I have had an amazing time with my trainer, from the start of my journey to staying fit, it is mainly down to him. Having said that, all of the trainers are great, helpful and happy to go out of their way to answer any questions you have, no matter how crazy they are.

Be prepared to buy a new wardrobe!

My local charity shop has had loads of clothes from me as they no longer fit…all of them are too big – even a pair of jeans I bought 5 weeks into the journey no longer fit.

I would like to thank Chris and all of the staff at UP for helping me get to where I am now, I have not been less than 13 stone since I was about 13 – it’s a totally amazing transformation and I would never have been happy in a gym, without the knowledge I now possess.

colin clark testimonial

An email from Colin to his trainer, need we say any more?


  • We show you the best, we don't show you the worst.
  • We show you people who follow the plans, not those who are all talk.
  • We show you those who inspire even us with their commitment to their results.
  • You cannot get results exactly like these. You are unique and that means you can only get your own best possible results.
  • Your results are a function of time spent following the plan; your genetic response to the right exercise and diet program; how hard you train; how consistently you come to the gym; how disciplined you are with your diet; & your starting point.
  • Oftentimes the lower your starting point (poor fitness, terrible body composition) the better your results.
  • We cannot do the work for you and the results you see here are a testament to the work ethic of our clients.
  • Our reputation is that we are the best trainers in the world for helping you to unlock your potential, & we can lead you to the door, give you the key, even turn the handle and push the door open, but we cannot walk through it for you.
    In the end the result is down to you.

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