I would do it again. Why? Because I enjoyed the process

Ultimate Performance are known as the world’s leading body composition experts, which when you put it more bluntly means we have provided some of the best client transformations you will ever see. This title isn’t of course completely down to our trainers but the consistent dedication and will power of our many clients from across the globe.

Hetan's 20 Week Online Personal Training Result | Ultimate Performance

But not all of our clients are close enough to make it to one of our gyms so this is when UP’s Online Training is introduced. Hetan has just turned the big 4-0 and with the help of just 20 weeks of our online nutrition and training guidance he now looks ‘magazine ready’… impressive right? We were so impressed with his new look that we just had to share the details on how Hetan swapped unwanted body fat to overly-welcomed muscle mass.

hetan back progress

Why Ultimate Performance?

My reason for choosing UP was that I was frustrated of not making any progress with my training and I know they were the best. On meeting my trainer for the first time we discussed how to progress and get my body fat down.

My goal was to see my abs again!

What Did You Enjoy Most About Your Journey?

The diet plan was comprehensive and very easy to follow. Rather than giving me the macros he gave me a detailed meal plan showing me what meals I should eat. I was a bit apprehensive to start as my thinking of keeping a zero/low carb diet and to do high intensity training would do the trick. He totally changed my way of thinking.

hetan post transformation shoot

In regards to the training it again was very simple to follow, but very effective. We concentrated on strength, keeping to exercises that I liked. The training wasn’t easy but focusing on form and tempo I made strength gains weekly as well as getting rid of the fat.

How Did Ultimate Performance Support You?

As the weeks went by I could see my body transforming and knew my goal could be achieved. Emailing my trainer weekly with a progress report kept me focused and seeing the weight come off was very motivating. The support I got from him was just what I needed to keep me on track. I felt I could email him any time with a question (no matter how stupid) and he would get back to me with a detailed but easy to understand explanation.

I also trained a few times at UP where my trainer works so we could get a better gauge on my progress. It’s probably one of the best gyms I have been to – not only is there lots of equipment, but all the staff are friendly too.

What Have You Achieved?

With Adam’s guidance I dropped from 26% body fat to sub 10% body fat, pre photoshoot. My body weight dropped from 83.6kg to 64.3kg. Remarkably, I also gained strength.

Thanks to my trainer’s help, I am full of confidence and delighted with my transformation. The whole process has also tested my character and I have become more disciplined and focused. I no longer live to eat, I eat to live!

I have a new and better educated way of thinking about the human body, and I’m excited about trying to improve my strength gains.

Were You able to fit the Plans in around your Work & Family Life?

Yes, thankfully I have a very understanding wife! I am also in charge of my own company, so could had the flexibility to train when I could and not affect work.

What Gave You the Motivation to do a Photoshoot?

I have always wanted to do one. I used to read a lot of fitness magazines, Mens Health etc, and dreamt of one day being able to look like that. As I was approaching 40, I though this is probably the best and only chance I would get.

What Was Your Physical/Mental Wellbeing Like Throughout the Process?

It was tough, and there were days where I didn’t have the energy to even think, or even lift myself out of bed! However Adam, and my family kept me focused on the prize. Also the pressure of not looking good in the shoot kept me motivated.

Would You Recommend UP?

If anyone is thinking about trying UP I would recommend training with them. It’s tough and there were days when I had second thoughts, but with their support and guidance it’s worth it.

I would do it again. Why? Because I enjoyed the process. I enjoyed the discipline, routine and the sense of achievement. It was good to train for something, and this sounds crazy but I think I can get leaner!

Too Far Away from a UP Gym? Hetan achieved his goals with UP’s Online Personal Training…What are you waiting for?


  • We show you the best, we don't show you the worst.
  • We show you people who follow the plans, not those who are all talk.
  • We show you those who inspire even us with their commitment to their results.
  • You cannot get results exactly like these. You are unique and that means you can only get your own best possible results.
  • Your results are a function of time spent following the plan; your genetic response to the right exercise and diet program; how hard you train; how consistently you come to the gym; how disciplined you are with your diet; & your starting point.
  • Oftentimes the lower your starting point (poor fitness, terrible body composition) the better your results.
  • We cannot do the work for you and the results you see here are a testament to the work ethic of our clients.
  • Our reputation is that we are the best trainers in the world for helping you to unlock your potential, & we can lead you to the door, give you the key, even turn the handle and push the door open, but we cannot walk through it for you.
    In the end the result is down to you.

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