Fauzia was always ‘skinny’ growing up, but she wanted to be strong and healthy.
But life always got in the way, and after having children, she saw herself gaining weight.
Now a mother of three with a demanding leadership role in I.T. retail, her health fell down her priority list.
Lockdown took its toll, too – the stress of homeschooling and balancing her career meant she was eating and drinking more and not exercising.
Finding herself at the heaviest point in her life, 42-year-old Fauzia decided to commit to LiveUP for one month to see if it worked – and it did.

Now 10 weeks on, and she’s stronger, fitter and healthier than ever without being fixated on the number on the scales. And her anaemia has improved too.
“I haven’t tracked my weight or body fat percentage because I really don’t care about what it says.
“For years, I was underweight, and my goal was always to be strong, not skinny. I can definitely see a massive difference since I joined.
“I feel like I have prioritised myself, I have become more active, less irritable, my blood count is looking better (nearly come off iron supplements that doctor had me on for six months because I am eating the right nutrients), and the outcome is I look better!
“I feel healthier on the inside, and it shows on the outside. I look at the mirror, and I am proud of what I see.”
Before having children and a career, Fauzia found it easy to stay fit and slim.
But having twins and then another child several years later, she found it harder and harder to make time for herself.
“I’ve always been petite and skinny. I was active, but I did not train much in a gym for long. I was always one of those people who join a gym in January and stops going there by February.
“However, the last five years, I’ve been the most active I’ve been, yet the heaviest I’ve been, which then demotivated me because I just didn’t understand why that was the case.
“I gave birth to my twins nine years ago and since then had another one four years ago, so I can’t use them as an excuse anymore.”
Despite doing HIIT exercise regularly, Fauzia just couldn’t seem to slim down and get the results she wanted. It was frustrating.
Then when the Covid-19 pandemic hit, things got worse.
Having to juggle competing demands of family and work while on lockdown compounded bad habits and weight gain.
“Before I joined, I was the biggest I’ve been in my life.
“Like a lot of families with young children, a busy and stressful senior leadership full-time job, I came last. I didn’t prioritise myself.
“The stress of the pandemic, homeschooling, home working, and not seeing friends and family made it worse. I was like a hamster on a wheel.”
The was no grand epiphany or wake-up call – but Fauzia knew she needed to put some focus on her own health and well-being.
“I was anaemic, tired and stressed. I didn’t feel good about how my body looked and wanted to change that.
“I wanted to feel myself again. I wanted someone to guide me through the program in a way that was sustainable.
“None of that ‘don’t eat after 3 pm’ or Keto fads, as I knew that wasn’t realistic.”
Enough was enough. Fauzia says her clothes didn’t fit anymore, and she wasn’t feeling good, so she took action.
“I was also annoyed at not being able to fit into my clothes, decided to take control and do something about it than moan and be annoyed. I stalked U.P. on Instagram for a while and was blown away by some of the transformations.
“I only joined for a month because I didn’t want to get sucked into tracking macros and every drop of food I eat on MyFitnessPal. I know it works for a lot of people, but I don’t like obsessing about food like that, so I thought ‘let me join for a month’, and I could cancel if I didn’t like it and I’d only lose £65 if it didn’t work.”
But Fauzia’s experience on LiveUP and the results she has achieved so far have blown her away. And she is still progressing every day.
It has taught her how to train with purpose and intensity, kept her accountable and finding the right balance of exercise to get the best results.
Want a budget-friendly way to work with the world-leading personal trainers from Ultimate Performance? LiveUP is your answer.
“OMG! There are so many benefits.
“I have more energy; I am more active, I am lifting more, learning more about form and so much more about my body and what it’s capable of, learning about the right food and the balance of exercise.
“Last but not the least, the support of some amazing girls on the LiveUP forum – each of them on their own journey and giving it their best and on a journey to finding themselves again.”
Having a sustainable approach to diet and nutrition has been a revelation too.
Before, she had been eating big, carb-heavy meals with few vegetables that weren’t supporting her body, her health or her goals.
But what LiveUP has given her is a simple way to keep on top of her diet based on portion sizes that fit into her life without having to track calories.
“LiveUP is sustainable, it does not track every grain of rice you eat via apps, and that means it’s easy to fit into your busy life.
“If you commit to it, it will give you results.”
The real game-changer for Fauzia was having the LiveUP forum with hundreds of other women going through the program to keep her motivated, accountable, and feeling supported.
“The forum is incredible. It’s full of like-minded amazing ladies who are on their individual journeys, and we all very supportive of each other.
“Elliott (Head of LiveUP) is such a superstar! He is patient, incredibly knowledgeable, generous with his time, and so accessible.
“His live Zoom training is world-class. I love his no B.S. approach; he calls a spade a spade and doesn’t mess around.
“It’s a straightforward plan to follow, with the best trainer and a superb support network. Honestly, I wish I’d come across U.P. sooner. I love it!”
- We show you the best, we don't show you the worst.
- We show you people who follow the plans, not those who are all talk.
- We show you those who inspire even us with their commitment to their results.
- You cannot get results exactly like these. You are unique and that means you can only get your own best possible results.
- Your results are a function of time spent following the plan; your genetic response to the right exercise and diet program; how hard you train; how consistently you come to the gym; how disciplined you are with your diet; & your starting point.
- Oftentimes the lower your starting point (poor fitness, terrible body composition) the better your results.
- We cannot do the work for you and the results you see here are a testament to the work ethic of our clients.
Our reputation is that we are the best trainers in the world for helping you to unlock your potential, & we can lead you to the door, give you the key, even turn the handle and push the door open, but we cannot walk through it for you.
In the end the result is down to you.
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