| Ultimate Performance

Inguna’s amazing 12kg body transformation has got her feeling like ‘supermum’ again after years of struggling with her weight.


Mum-of-one Inguna is back in stunning shape and feels happy and confident in her favourite clothes after her transformation at Ultimate Performance.

Before U.P., she couldn’t stop gaining weight no matter which diets or exercise plans she tried.

She was struggling with her diet and felt like she had lost control of her body and how she looked. It was making her feel down to the point where she would avoid photographs.

Feeling tired, lazy and low on energy, 37-year-old Inguna was desperate to make a change and signed up for the Six-Week Meltdown Challenge at U.P.

Seeing body fat literally drop of her within days, kept her motivated and inspired her to start a personal training programme to complete her amazing transformation.

“When I came to the gym at first I was quite desperate, overweight and I didn’t feel happy.

“Now I look great, I can wear all my beautiful old clothes and dresses, and I’m much stronger and I have more energy.

“I like to take selfies again and I like to be in photos again.


 | Ultimate Performance



“It has changed my life, it has changed my diet and it has changed my thinking about gyms.”

Inguna, who is originally from Latvia, thinks back to before her transformation and how she felt.

She was feeling low and didn’t have the energy to keep up with her four-year-old son.

E-commerce manager Inguna tried everything to get her body back.

She went on juice diets and tried organic living, as well as all sorts of fitness classes from Zumba and yoga to Pilates and spinning, but she just couldn’t lose the weight.

“I was unhappy. I was getting fatter and fatter. I was trying to eat healthily and exercising but nothing was working.

“I never thought I could look my best again. My bodyweight was going out of control, everything from my wardrobe did not fit me anymore because I was just too big, and I felt depressed.”

A friend suggested she should come to the gym. It was the changes her friend made that inspired her to start group training with U.P.

“She did the six-week meltdown challenge and literally shrank before my eyes.

“I thought ‘if she could do it, then I could do it.’”

The six-week challenge was just what Inguna needed to kick-start her transformation.

It gave her focus and structure to achieve what she wanted. The results were almost instantaneous.


 | Ultimate Performance



“It felt like I was pressing my reset button. It was easy to maintain, really simple, provided a diet plan combined with strength training classes! My body fat just dropped. I though ‘OMG!’ I couldn’t believe it!”

Inguna could see her body changing before her eyes.

“I looked leaner, started to develop a more toned body and I was not looking so fat anymore.

“The trainers are so supportive and motivating, making me believe I could achieve much more. And after a short period of time indeed I could lift heavier weights and do exercises that I couldn’t before.”

Seeing how much her body had changed and what was possible at U.P. inspired her to start a complete body transformation with a personal trainer.

Working one to one with her trainer Giovanni took her results to the next level.

“It was a personalised programme in the gym, adjusting my weekly macros based on how I feel and perform, keeping focused on results.

“I could see most of my muscles quickly forming and showing through. Family, friends and the rest of the world could notice my body transformation too.

“It made me achieve goals that I never thought possible!”

Inguna was delighted with the results. Not only does she look incredible, but she feels like a completely different person.


 | Ultimate Performance



It has even changed life with her son and husband.

“I was really lazy before. I didn’t have energy like I do now. I felt tired. I didn’t feel confident to be in pictures with my friends because I felt I didn’t look good.

“Now I feel like supermummy! I can do everything. I can even go to the skatepark with my little boy and teach him how to skate.”

Inguna feels liberated that she now knows how to train hard and eat well. She is back in control of her body and her diet, and that’s a powerful thing.

“Before, I was eating too much – too many carbs and too much fat. I didn’t know about balance then or my daily calorie intake.

“It was only by coming here and learning about diet that I was able to understand exactly what my body needs and how to be in control of food.

“I learned that everything has to be in balance. I was scared to eat things like nuts, seeds and avocados. Now I’m happy to eat them as I know you just need to know how much to eat.”

As for strength training and using weights, Inguna feels confident stepping into any gym.

“In the beginning, I was scared to come. I was scared of weights. I thought ‘this is for big guys’.

“But after every session I felt stronger and happier.

“Now I’m not scared. I can go there and use weights. I notice changes every day.”

Now Inguna has her body back and is motivated to keep it that way with everything she has learned at U.P.






  • We show you the best, we don't show you the worst.
  • We show you people who follow the plans, not those who are all talk.
  • We show you those who inspire even us with their commitment to their results.
  • You cannot get results exactly like these. You are unique and that means you can only get your own best possible results.
  • Your results are a function of time spent following the plan; your genetic response to the right exercise and diet program; how hard you train; how consistently you come to the gym; how disciplined you are with your diet; & your starting point.
  • Oftentimes the lower your starting point (poor fitness, terrible body composition) the better your results.
  • We cannot do the work for you and the results you see here are a testament to the work ethic of our clients.
  • Our reputation is that we are the best trainers in the world for helping you to unlock your potential, & we can lead you to the door, give you the key, even turn the handle and push the door open, but we cannot walk through it for you.
    In the end the result is down to you.

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