Gary was often told by his late mother to lose weight and focus on his health, but he never took her advice on board.

Guilty of overeating junk food and not getting regular exercise, he was terribly out of shape and embarrassed by his body.

Fad diets helped relieve his weight concerns for short periods of time, but never proved to be the long-term solution.

Gary soon realised his diet and lifestyle were not setting the best example for his own children. With his mother’s words of advice ringing in his ears, he set out to change the way he lived his life.

Partnering with Ultimate Performance has given him control over his life which he hasn’t felt in years. He’s lost 15kg to firm up his abs at 50 years of age.

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Gary now doesn’t have to hide his stomach in photos and has even reduced his blood pressure – following a transformation which he believes has made his father and children proud.

“Before my mum passed away, she would always say ‘come on son, you need to start getting fit, we’ll look after the children’. I didn’t do it then, so I’ve done it now.

“I’m a completely different person, it’s been life-changing. I’ve lost weight, my heart rate has changed and I’m able to work out at home – it’s amazing.

“It wasn’t necessarily just about the weight loss for me, although I’ve been fixated on it recently. It’s been more about the health changes that come with the weight loss, so I can make sure I’m the best father for my children.”

Here, Gary speaks about how he believes he’s more of an active father figure, why his new diet is so much more effective than fad diets he’d tried in the past, and how he has completely flipped his low confidence on its head.

What motivated you to partner with U.P.?

There were a number of things. The most significant reason at the time was my weight and how I perceived myself. I’d originally started looking at how to get in shape back in August last year, whether that was with U.P. or on my own.

But it got to the point where I thought now was the right time to do it. I wanted to show my children that you can make changes even at my age.

I also wanted to be more self-confident and show the changes to my children and my dad. Before my mum passed away, she would always say ‘come on son, you need to start getting fit, we’ll look after the children’. I didn’t do it then, so I’ve done it now.

What did your lifestyle look like before you began working with your U.P. personal trainer?

My diet consisted of junk food. I did go walking, so I was fairly active, it’s just I was not moving on a regular basis. Now, I’m up earlier, and even if I feel a little bit stressed out, I get up and jump on the elliptical which I wouldn’t have done in the past.

I’m dealing with situations a lot better now. But before I came to U.P. my food habits were out of control. I tried several times to follow different fad diets but I was always missing out on the extra activity. I dropped a stone or two but I quickly put it back on because just walking once a week was not enough.


How was your physique making you feel?

Before I came to U.P. I was embarrassed, especially when I saw pictures of myself.

There are photos of me in Scotland last year for my 50th where I’m sat on a chair holding in my stomach, because I was so conscious of how it looked.

Before my transformation, I wouldn’t have entertained exercise at all. I probably would have just done 10 minutes and fallen apart.

How has your health changed since starting your U.P. personal training program?

I’m a completely different person now, it’s been life-changing. I’ve lost weight, my heart rate has changed and I’m able to work out at home on the elliptical – it’s amazing.

I feel happy about doing exercise – I know it’s helping me. My blood pressure and body fat are both down now which is great, and I’m no longer in the obese range. It wasn’t necessarily just about the weight loss for me, although I’ve been fixated on it recently.

It’s been more about the health changes that come with the weight loss, so I can make sure I’m the best father for my children.


Make sure you give yourself the best chance of living a healthy and happy life with your family by getting into the shape of your life. Whatever your age, ability or starting point. Our team of industry-leading personal trainers know what it takes to drive clients to their goals.


  • We show you the best, we don't show you the worst.
  • We show you people who follow the plans, not those who are all talk.
  • We show you those who inspire even us with their commitment to their results.
  • You cannot get results exactly like these. You are unique and that means you can only get your own best possible results.
  • Your results are a function of time spent following the plan; your genetic response to the right exercise and diet program; how hard you train; how consistently you come to the gym; how disciplined you are with your diet; & your starting point.
  • Oftentimes the lower your starting point (poor fitness, terrible body composition) the better your results.
  • We cannot do the work for you and the results you see here are a testament to the work ethic of our clients.
  • Our reputation is that we are the best trainers in the world for helping you to unlock your potential, & we can lead you to the door, give you the key, even turn the handle and push the door open, but we cannot walk through it for you.
    In the end the result is down to you.

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