If you want proof that age is no barrier to getting the body you want, 47-year-old Fadi is it.
Construction consultant Fadi struggled to get in shape for 10 years, battled with chronic back pain and was told by doctors it was simply because of his age.
But training simply three times a week with Ultimate Performance Dubai changed all that and proved that age really is just a number.
Not only is he now pain-free, but he made a truly incredible transformation in just 16 weeks which even he didn’t believe was possible.
Losing 10kg in 16 weeks and forging the six-pack he believed he was too old to get, Fadi says it has changed his life.
“When I see my progress pictures I feel so proud that I could achieve this in 16 weeks,” he says. “It’s incredible!”
It’s inspiring to see how far Fadi has come in such a short space of time.
Just 16 weeks before though, and Fadi’s health and fitness were worlds apart from the lean, fit and athletic man he is today.
Chronic back pain blighted his life as he picked up injury after injury trying to keep fit on his own or with underqualified personal trainers who didn’t understand his body mechanics.
“Before joining UP I had reservations about personal training,” he explains.
“In fact, I tried over the years on a couple of occasions to have personal training and it did more harm than good to me.”
“The harm it did to me was because there was no science behind it.”
“I had an injury every three or four weeks due to the wrong movement; movements that did not suit my age and not suit my frame and the way my body reacts to exercise.”
For anyone who has struggled with chronic pain, it can be debilitating when there seems to be no explanation or no end in sight. It was the same for Fadi.
“It’s chronic pain – you never know the reason why.”
“You never know what is the origin or why you’re getting it. You think you’re getting old.”
“When you go and test yourself they tell you it’s the age number. It’s not true. It’s posture. It’s exercise. It’s the right movement and the right weight.”
It was only when he started at UP Dubai’s world-leading personal training facility that his trainer picked up on what was causing the ongoing pain in his lower back and shoulder.
“Most injuries were originating from my hips and my lower body muscles, which were weak.”
“What we discovered at UP was that I had weak legs, weak hamstrings and weak glutes which we needed to work on quite heavily.”
Having a personal trainer who understood the mechanics of his body, what exercises worked for him and how to safely push himself in the gym was fundamental in helping him achieve such a stunning physical transformation.
It has helped Fadi understand his body and how he can train efficiently and effectively.
“This is what I learned during my training experience with UP – the science behind the exercise. The movement, the joints, where the weaknesses are in my joints, what exercises suit my body, what exercises suit my joint movement and what doesn’t suit my movement.”
“There is an exercise for every type of body that you should implement on yourself and not just go ahead and whatever you read in a magazine and just go in and try it out.”
Training under the guidance of his UP trainer has brought into sharp focus just how important and beneficial it is to work with a fitness professional.
“Having a personal trainer is very important,” he says.
“It guides you through the science and how to apply it to your body. It coaches your nutrition and keeps you motivated all the time.”
Fadi says that reading about fitness on the internet is incomparable to working one to one with a skilled personal trainer in a goal-driven environment.
“Training with Chris was probably the best training experience I’ve ever had, in the past 10 years, honestly.”
“Reading about exercise and the science behind it online or in books is one thing, but applying it in practice on your body with a coach is a different level of experience. And it works. The process works.
“Just follow the process and just have discipline and determination and it will get you there.”
Fadi is incredibly proud of his new physique – but the truly life-enhancing thing has been overcoming his chronic pain through correct training and nutrition.
“UP transformed my training experience. Heavy training with zero injury – that has never happened before.”
“I used to hurt myself every other week in the gym training alone.”
The difference it has made to his everyday life has been huge.
“It has enhanced the quality of life IÂ have, for the simple things in life;Â driving, sitting in the office, walking around or sitting on the couch.
“I would say 95% of my health issues were resolved during this journey.”
His journey has transformed the way he trains and armed him with the knowledge to be able to stay in shape for the future.
“Before joining UP I used to train on my own for two hours, four times or five times a week and not get the results I wanted.”
“When I joined UP, I followed the process. The training was only three hours a week, one hour at a time, no more, no less.”
“Heavy one hour – it gives you twice the results or three times the results. It’s incredible.”
“It’s pretty hard to believe. But it’s true. It works.”
Fadi isn’t the only one stunned by the speed of his dramatic transformation – his friends and family have been amazed by the huge change too.
“Everyone around me was wondering why am I doing this. To me, it’s an inspiration to the people who live with me and around me – especially my children.”
“To see that with discipline and determination you can achieve anything. You can get anywhere if you follow the process, you understand the science, you apply it properly and you don’t quit – you will get there.”
From being riddled with pain and unable to train previously, Fadi is already looking ahead to even greater fitness goals.
“I lost 10kg in 16 weeks. I want to gain them back in lean muscle!”
“UP has exceeded my expectations. I am very happy I joined. I’m very happy with the journey I’ve had so far and I’m looking forward to the next phase.”
Does Fadi feel his age now he’s completed his transformation?
“I never felt 47 anyway!” he says. “Age is just a number. It’s really just how you live with it!”
Fadi does have some sage advice for anyone else who believes they’re too old or not capable of transforming their health and fitness:
“I think for those who are my age – or above, or lower, change your lifestyle.”
“But you need to do it the right way. If you do not know how to do it, get a coach.”
“Go to a coach or a professional and learn the process; don’t just read about it. Implementation is actually more important than reading about it.”
“It’s easy to read on the internet ‘Do this. Do this. Do this.’ But how you apply it is even more important. This is my experience.”
- We show you the best, we don't show you the worst.
- We show you people who follow the plans, not those who are all talk.
- We show you those who inspire even us with their commitment to their results.
- You cannot get results exactly like these. You are unique and that means you can only get your own best possible results.
- Your results are a function of time spent following the plan; your genetic response to the right exercise and diet program; how hard you train; how consistently you come to the gym; how disciplined you are with your diet; & your starting point.
- Oftentimes the lower your starting point (poor fitness, terrible body composition) the better your results.
- We cannot do the work for you and the results you see here are a testament to the work ethic of our clients.
Our reputation is that we are the best trainers in the world for helping you to unlock your potential, & we can lead you to the door, give you the key, even turn the handle and push the door open, but we cannot walk through it for you.
In the end the result is down to you.
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