Father-of-four Tushar worked long hours and lived an unhealthy lifestyle that had no exercise or diet control.
For years he had suffered from low self-esteem and lacked confidence, but of late, these issues had started negatively impacting all parts of his life.
He didn’t want to go out or socialise and felt the effects at work as well.
Tushar, 39, had been researching and thinking about Ultimate Performance for a while.
But his desire to be a good role model for his daughters is what finally motivated him to start his body transformation programme.
“I feel that the impact that U.P. has had on me has been amazing on all levels – I feel more energised, more social, and can give more at work.”
It took Tushar just a little over 6 months to lose 17kg at U.P.
His body fat went down 11%, and he became leaner. Tushar lost 25cm on his waist and 15cm on his hips and saw a welcome change in his body shape.
Tushar describes his diet and lifestyle before U.P. as ‘haphazard’.
He ate a very carb-heavy diet and his training solely focussed around cardio.
“Training-wise, I had never been to a gym before. I used to just do cardio and things and no weights at all.
“My diet was everywhere. I didn’t even know what macros were!
“Before I had joined U.P., I ate very carb-heavy meals. As a vegetarian, my diet did not focus much on the protein aspect or even getting ratios of any macros correct.
“Once I started to track all I was eating with MyFitnessPal, it became clearly evident that I was totally overeating!
“I was physically not in shape and mentally drained, and U.P. has given me the clarity I really needed!”
Tushar was initially scared of joining a gym. He found the weight training aspect especially daunting, but once he signed up, he was 100% committed.
His long work hours and the extra commute to the U.P. gym never became an excuse to slack off, and he followed every bit of advice his trainer gave to the T.
“I wanted to be a role model for my children in terms of showing them that all it takes is dedication to a cause, and then anything can be possible.
“It did take me six months to get the courage to contact U.P. and sign up. I thought it would be really intimidating, however, it has been the total opposite!”
Things started to change very quick right from the offset and his results soon started to turn the heads of his close friends and family.
“My family started noticing after maybe week two or three how things were changing. Not so much about how I was looking but how I was acting as well. My patients were definitely noticing it, especially my regular clients.
“Once everyone started commenting on how good I looked, it gave me that momentum and motivation to carry on.”
Tushar says the real difference has been the quality of personal training and the attention to detail.
“I feel that Viviene, my PT, has given me an excellent palate to work with.
“This is in terms of training and also for meals and tracking, etc. She has obviously shown me training techniques and explained reasons why we do some exercises in the manner we do, but has also explained calories, macros, etc. to me so that post-U.P. I can utilise all these tools to keep myself accountable and on track.”
For Tushar, the U.P. transformation was more than skin deep. Along with a fit body, he also gained a fresh and confident outlook on life.
“When I first came in, I could hardly do one pull up! And by the end of it, I could do 10. It’s just really empowering for me.
“The U.P. journey has given me a lot of confidence now.
“For example, before if I went out to get coffee, I always covered up in several layers; I never felt confident about my body and the way I looked, and now I’ll discard the cover-ups and be okay in just a t-shirt.
“This is just one small example, but that confidence shows in every aspect of my life now.”
He has been bowled over at the experience which he says has changed his life.
“My experience with U.P. has been brilliant! Everyone has been superb from start to finish. The entire team is friendly and makes you feel relaxed.
“My trainer, Viviene, is absolutely amazing. She has listened to my concerns and what I want to achieve and has programmed my sessions accordingly. She keeps me very accountable and supports me at all stages.
“I was contemplating joining for a while and am super glad that I finally did – I should have done it much sooner. It has been one of the best leaps of faith I have ever made.”
Has Tushar’s story given you the courage to start your own transformation?
Fill in this form to find out how you can get started today.
- We show you the best, we don't show you the worst.
- We show you people who follow the plans, not those who are all talk.
- We show you those who inspire even us with their commitment to their results.
- You cannot get results exactly like these. You are unique and that means you can only get your own best possible results.
- Your results are a function of time spent following the plan; your genetic response to the right exercise and diet program; how hard you train; how consistently you come to the gym; how disciplined you are with your diet; & your starting point.
- Oftentimes the lower your starting point (poor fitness, terrible body composition) the better your results.
- We cannot do the work for you and the results you see here are a testament to the work ethic of our clients.
Our reputation is that we are the best trainers in the world for helping you to unlock your potential, & we can lead you to the door, give you the key, even turn the handle and push the door open, but we cannot walk through it for you.
In the end the result is down to you.
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