LA life was happy and fun for 36-year-old actor Jonny.
But the good life of endless food and alcohol came with a price – in Jonny’s case it was belly fat.
This changed when he saw the jaw-dropping transformation of Glee actor Kevin McHale at Ultimate Performance Los Angeles on Instagram.
He was captivated. Looking at the volume of speedy and spectacular results, he felt that he could get similar results through U.P.’s transformation program. And boy, was he right!
In 25 weeks, Jonny lost 3kg off his skinny-fat frame, but packed on lean muscle on his arms and shoulders, and learned how to master his diet and training.
“My body’s looking fantastic! Better than I’ve ever gotten it to, especially now after losing the belly fat and being able to see definition in my abs.
“It’s nice seeing that extra interest from people around me; even my girlfriend gives me more attention!”

It was a different story before he came to U.P. Exercise was virtually non-existent and he was feeling the effects on his fitness on a daily basis.
“I hadn’t worked out for three years! I got into this place where, I swear to God, if I walked up the steps I was like ‘I’m going to faint!’
“So part of my reason for joining U.P. was to get fit on that level and then to push myself further than I’d ever pushed myself working out in the past and maybe see a difference that I had never seen before.
“So my diet was like was lots of cake and fun treats that are delightful, but it just doesn’t go well with your clothes and your belly fat. I think eating like that and just being lethargic had a perpetual non-moving, stale feeling – it’s basically like stagnation, which is very limiting to one’s thought processes.”

Jonny saw almost instant results. He had always expected to reach his transformation goals, but the speed of the change took him by surprise. He puts these rapid results down to the quality of training and guidance at U.P.
“In the past, I thought I was working out, but it’s only when I got here did I realize what correctly working out looks like, and that, to me, was just profound.
“That level of time and attention just on me to make sure I’m doing the exercises right – that was what got me the results.”

When Jonny thinks back to what he used to do in the gym on his own, the comparison is night and day.
“In the past, I would join a gym and then just go at it. I would read some PDFs online and then watch some YouTube videos to understand the exercises, but I think there’s a sense of aimlessness once you’re in a gym.
“At U.P., the difference between working out and working out correctly became so clear – just being able to understand what muscles you’re targeting – for example, back in the day, I would do bench press just flat, and I’d just workout, and then I’d be like ‘why isn’t my chest growing?’ Here they put you on a bench and say lift your chest, and then I’m like ‘oh, I feel it now!’
“So, it’s like those little things that you don’t realize; you’re not doing the exercise right and you don’t realize you’re not quite targeting the right areas. There’s just constant correction here to make sure you’re doing it right, and that to me has been essential in me gaining momentum and finding the physique I wanted.”

Jonny not only found his dream physique but also a new action-oriented mindset and confidence that he applied to other parts of his life.
“There’s just a sense of confidence that comes with working out. You just walk a little taller, knowing that you can do some of these tough things that you thought were impossible. I think that travels into other areas of your life.
“When I experienced this level of mentorship and correction, I was like ‘let me take this into my professional life.’
“Why have I never paid for a professional coach to watch me with my voice just as I did at U.P.? So, it just really opened up these other areas in my life. I started asking myself, ‘If I see results like this at the gym, then how can I benefit in other areas of my life by being correctly taught and mentored?’”
Jonny believes that U.P. is the best place in Los Angeles to get real results and return on investment.
“The constant focus and detailed attention on my work have been moving. At U.P., they are dedicated to making sure I get every ounce of value out of my time with them. It’s a place where they keep you accountable, and results happen fast.
“I would recommend everyone to do this rather than just joining a gym and going at it alone. They will push you beyond what you think you’re capable of.”
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- We show you the best, we don't show you the worst.
- We show you people who follow the plans, not those who are all talk.
- We show you those who inspire even us with their commitment to their results.
- You cannot get results exactly like these. You are unique and that means you can only get your own best possible results.
- Your results are a function of time spent following the plan; your genetic response to the right exercise and diet program; how hard you train; how consistently you come to the gym; how disciplined you are with your diet; & your starting point.
- Oftentimes the lower your starting point (poor fitness, terrible body composition) the better your results.
- We cannot do the work for you and the results you see here are a testament to the work ethic of our clients.
Our reputation is that we are the best trainers in the world for helping you to unlock your potential, & we can lead you to the door, give you the key, even turn the handle and push the door open, but we cannot walk through it for you.
In the end the result is down to you.
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