| Ultimate Performance

Caitlin was in a downward spiral with her health and was struggling to see a way out.

The 27-year-old strategy consultant had found her weight ballooning and her lifestyle becoming increasingly unhealthy.

A busy work life meant healthy home cooking gave way to takeaways and convenience food, and regular exercise was a distant memory.

Her weight kept creeping up and her health suffered with recurring migraines and back pain – but she sank into denial about the way things were going.

It wasn’t until an ill-fated online shopping experience finally made her confront her problem.

Caitlin decided to act and signed up for a body transformation programme at Ultimate Performance London City.

Caitlin was with U.P. for 26 weeks, and during this time, she shed her unhealthy habits along with 23kg and 32cm off her waistline.

“Every aspect of my life has transformed. I saw changes to my health, performance, lifestyle, and energy almost immediately.

“Within a week, I felt like I had more energy than I had in years.

“But it’s my mental health that has seen the biggest change. I now respect myself enough to want to look after myself and am now addicted to the feeling of being strong, stable, and healthy in every sense of the words.”

When Caitlin first came to U.P., she had reached rock bottom; she had given up on herself and had also started retreating socially from everyone around her.

U.P. was her last attempt at getting back to a normal life.

“In the 18 months leading up to U.P., I had lost all passion for exercise and had got into a poor routine of not buying in food and regularly ordering takeaways.

“The resulting weight gain led to a slew of health issues, including sciatica and migraines that were causing fogginess, short-term memory problems, extreme fatigue, and a general sense of lethargy.

“The bigger I was getting, the less able I was to acknowledge that weight. I stopped looking at myself in the mirror, and I sort of went into a sense of denial of how big I was, but I was feeling the effects of it every day.”

 | Ultimate Performance


Instead of doing anything about it, Caitlin buried her head in the sand and hid behind baggy clothes. But inside, her confidence was ebbing away by the day.

“I was wearing bigger and bigger clothes because I thought they were covering me up.

“I didn’t feel comfortable walking into a room and meeting new people. I had lost all confidence in myself and was eating more to try and make myself feel better.

“It was a vicious cycle that I knew I needed to break.

“I was attracted to U.P. because of the level of structure and accountability, which were exactly what I felt I needed when I no longer felt I owed myself anything.”

Plagued by constant fatigue and migraines, Caitlin lived a life that was increasingly bounded by work and home.

Cooking for herself and finding the motivation to exercise was unthinkable until U.P. came along.

“I have always loved to cook, and to explore foods, and to make new recipes and meals.

“But I had almost completely stopped cooking as work became more intense and I became more tired.

“Almost every day, I was ordering foods like pizza, fried chicken, or Chinese.

“After eating, I would often feel ill and exhausted, having eaten myself into a ‘food coma’.”

 | Ultimate Performance


Coming to U.P. helped her draw a line a line under her old lifestyle and helped her build healthy new eating habits and get control of her diet again.

“From the moment I started at U.P., the change was immediate.

“Being provided with a simple, easy to implement meal plan and exercise routine was, in a very literal sense, life-changing.

“I understood immediately what foods I needed to be eating and how much I should be eating.

“The simplicity and flexibility of the plan meant that for the first time in my adult life, I began to do a weekly shop!”

Caitlin’s body was crying out for healthy food and some vigorous activity, and it jumped back into gear as soon as it got what it needed.

The physical improvements were almost instantaneous and step by step she began regaining her confidence.

“This transformation has undoubtedly changed my life.

“I feel like a completely different person. Looking back at the pictures from the beginning of the process, I struggle to reconcile that person I see with who I am today.

“The improvements in both my physical and mental health are unbelievable, and I will carry those forward with me, alongside the in-depth knowledge and education I have gained around nutrition, exercise, and myself.

“I’m sure this knowledge, confidence, and new-found self-worth will be invaluable when I start competitive powerlifting.”

 | Ultimate Performance


Caitlin feels the results U.P. have helped her achieve go way beyond mere weight loss.

“The results you get at U.P. are undeniable, and their human, healthy, hands-on approach sets them apart.

“At no point during the process was I made to feel that my only goal was to lose weight or hit a target, rather the focus and priority was given to my physical strength, physiological health, and mental health – all of which are the things that will remain and ensure that I maintain the lifestyle I have learnt over the past six months.

“I’d say I’ve certainly got more than just return on my investment! My life has changed, my outlook on the world has changed, and the way I see and value myself has changed, and I don’t think you can really put a price on your physical and mental health.”

Invest in something that truly counts – your health and your confidence.
Sign up to our personal training programme and transform your life to a better you!


  • We show you the best, we don't show you the worst.
  • We show you people who follow the plans, not those who are all talk.
  • We show you those who inspire even us with their commitment to their results.
  • You cannot get results exactly like these. You are unique and that means you can only get your own best possible results.
  • Your results are a function of time spent following the plan; your genetic response to the right exercise and diet program; how hard you train; how consistently you come to the gym; how disciplined you are with your diet; & your starting point.
  • Oftentimes the lower your starting point (poor fitness, terrible body composition) the better your results.
  • We cannot do the work for you and the results you see here are a testament to the work ethic of our clients.
  • Our reputation is that we are the best trainers in the world for helping you to unlock your potential, & we can lead you to the door, give you the key, even turn the handle and push the door open, but we cannot walk through it for you.
    In the end the result is down to you.

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