Tin was ready to give up on his dreams of having the perfect magazine cover model physique.

He was 33 and he just felt like he was getting nowhere despite spending hours and hours in the gym.

Tin was training up to 5 times a week but his body just wasn’t changing and nothing he did got results.

What was missing was the guidance, expertise and finesse that every one of Ultimate Performance Hong Kong’s elite personal training team brings to their clients.

After years of spinning his wheels and getting nowhere, 14 weeks is all it took to forge the incredible physique he thought he might never get.

He lost 6kg and 8% body fat to finally achieve the body shape and muscle definition he had been trying to achieve for years!


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“Since I have started training, I feel energetic; I feel happier. I feel like I’m a different person almost and I feel that I’m just more constructive working out even by myself now.”

It’s an amazing feeling for Tin. But just a matter of weeks ago, he just couldn’t understand why all his efforts in the gym were not bearing fruit.

“I was seeing guys in the gym, and they had a better physique. But I was not able to get those results even after 5-8 years of going to the gym. I thought there was just something missing. And something I had never tried before was personal training.”

Then Tin found Ultimate Performance on social media and the sheer volume and quality of results really stood out.

 Tin-in-the-gym-pulldown Ultimate Performance


“I did look up other personal trainers but what was special about U.P. was the transformations.

“Every single transformation was unique in its own way – different body types and different physiques. But frankly, the before and after photos got me.”

There is no doubt that Tin had put in the time and effort to remain fit, but his stressful career and lifestyle were holding him back.

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As the head of sales for a growing company, he was responsible for running a large team. This translated into lots of extra hours and extensive travelling.

“I have a pretty busy job. It means that I don’t really get the time to dedicate myself to achieve the goal of having that magazine physique.

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“My diet and lifestyle, before joining U.P., was kind of all over the place. I travel a lot, so I ended up eating just anything.

“Sometimes. I would think to myself that if I cut out fat, then I would go slim. It was just not the case.”

Tin realised that going it alone was just not going to cut it! He needed structure and continuous, focused guidance – something U.P. trainers specialise in.

“Training with a personal trainer is a lot different than training by yourself! Alone I didn’t get the extra push or extra motivation to get those last final reps in.

 Tin-in-the-gym-stretch Ultimate Performance


“The sessions at U.P. are very intense, but it’s one hour of packed with good training compared to two hours of going by yourself in the gym.”

“Nutrition-wise, U.P. broke down everything to the point of the calories and macros I am meant to have every day and I saw results almost on a daily basis.

“I cut out a lot of carbs and replaced them with vegetables instead. It was a lot easier than I thought. Now it has become routine.”

Tin signed up to the U.P. programme with one clear goal in his mind – to achieve a transformation worthy of being placed on U.P.’s famous results wall.

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The before and after photos were his biggest motivator. And while he believed it was possible to achieve his fitness goals, seeing results week after week is what kept him committed.

“Aesthetically, I could see my body was getting leaner, and I was starting to look a lot bigger than I was.

“I started seeing muscles that I didn’t know I had before.”

 Tin-in-the-gym-leg-raise Ultimate Performance
Tin now understands the value of a truly exceptional personal trainer.

After years of trying on his own, all it took was a few weeks working with the experts to achieve his goals and build the body he wanted.

“The most valuable thing about training at U.P. was having a mentor there constantly.

“It wasn’t just during our sessions. After work, during work and even when I was travelling, if I wasn’t sure about what I could or couldn’t eat or what exercise I should do – my trainer was always on hand to answer these questions.

“If you want to achieve results that you can’t get by yourself – try U.P. and you will be very happy with what you will see.”

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With the help of his U.P. trainer, Tin has found the right balance of training and nutrition to produce Maximum Results in Minimum TimeStart your own transformation by arranging a consultation at U.P. now. 


  • We show you the best, we don't show you the worst.
  • We show you people who follow the plans, not those who are all talk.
  • We show you those who inspire even us with their commitment to their results.
  • You cannot get results exactly like these. You are unique and that means you can only get your own best possible results.
  • Your results are a function of time spent following the plan; your genetic response to the right exercise and diet program; how hard you train; how consistently you come to the gym; how disciplined you are with your diet; & your starting point.
  • Oftentimes the lower your starting point (poor fitness, terrible body composition) the better your results.
  • We cannot do the work for you and the results you see here are a testament to the work ethic of our clients.
  • Our reputation is that we are the best trainers in the world for helping you to unlock your potential, & we can lead you to the door, give you the key, even turn the handle and push the door open, but we cannot walk through it for you.
    In the end the result is down to you.

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