Shaun says he tamed his ‘inner fat boy’ and lost 40lbs in his first 12 weeks at Ultimate Performance Los Angeles.
Getting back to his former fitness level took a lot of grit and determination, but he knew the experts at U.P. would get him the results he wanted.
Grad school, marriage, job, and a new baby took over Shaun’s life for a couple of years.
It all went by in a blur, and when he finally caught his breath, he discovered he had gained an extra 45lbs in weight.
Shaun decided enough was enough; he craved his old active lifestyle and knew that there was just one way to get back in shape! He made a beeline for the closest U.P. gym!

“I did U.P. in Hong Kong about 3 years ago, and at that time I had lost about 30lbs over 10-12 weeks. So, I knew what to expect.”
And it turned out to be the perfect choice.
“In the first 12 weeks, I think I lost about 40lbs,” said Shaun. “My body fat went from around 30% to 12-14%.
“Before I started with U.P., I was feeling pretty ragged and run down. I had just completed a grad school program where I was sleeping 3-4 hours a night and then changing diapers 24 hours a day.
“My diet was pretty rubbish. I travel about 90% of the time for work. I took every chance to eat, and it was the lousiest food. I didn’t control the calories I ate; I really relied on food for energy. So, if it was late at night and I had to stay up a few hours – ice cream was a great way to keep going.”

Of course, no one gets away with bad nutrition and an unhealthy lifestyle for long, as Shaun soon found out. The weight gain was just one manifestation of the problem; loss of concentration and low energy also affected his life deeply.
Improving his diet was a fundamental part of helping him quickly turn things around.
“I had every excuse in the book not to eat well and not to exercise. I travel all the time, and I am in all kinds of weird places. It turns out when you make no exception, you just eat well.
“When I started the program my diet and lifestyle changed quite a bit. I had done the program before, and that time we were really focused on macronutrients but this time by using the tracker I was really able to get the precise amount of calories to meet my goals.”

“It became a little bit like a video game! Using the tracker, watching all your metrics and seeing the weight come off.”
While shedding the weight was important, Shaun acknowledged from the beginning that he needed to develop a new mindset about eating out.
“There is this one story which changed my attitude – I was in the Middle East having dinner. It was like a seven-course dinner. I was sitting between my American colleagues and Italian colleagues. And my American colleagues were devouring every course that came, but my Italian colleagues were just kind of lazy, they didn’t really care that much about the food, they had a few bites of each course, and they were more engaged in the conversation.

“That was a real turning point for me. Now when I sit down for a meal with people, I am less focused on stuffing myself and more focused on being engaged and the conversation.”
Even though Shaun had trained before, he still didn’t really associate weight training with long term fitness.
But seeing the huge impact it has had on his health, his body and his mindset, his new fitness regime has now become a way of life.
“You don’t need to do silly exercises to get the results that you want. Doing the bench press really, really well and getting every part of your body in just the right spot has some tremendous benefits.

“Oftentimes, I would think of lifting weights in the gym as something of a knucklehead kind of thing – you should be out and doing yoga and something else. But it has now become the basis of my fitness program, and for me, building strength is the cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle.”
Like most U.P. clients, Shaun discovered that the U.P. program teaches more than just the correct exercise and diet.
“It gives you the focus and discipline to carry out a meaningful and long-lasting changes in your life – it is something you carry forward outside the gym.

“The most important thing I learned – you can’t have it all! You learn to get comfortable being uncomfortable. You maybe risk offending people by not eating a bunch or drinking a bunch.
“You learn that you can’t sometimes be that jovial guy that’s eating and drinking the night away because you have other priorities. Once you get comfortable with that, you progress.
“For the past many weeks, I have worked out four times a week, every week. And I think it just happens when you make time for it. My workouts just go in my diary – it’s just like any other meeting or scheduled item you have in your life.

“I have made some really good gains on controlling my eating, on being more focused, on getting my workouts in. I am really changing my body composition.”
Shaun says he has constantly struggled with his weight for years.
But going through the U.P. program has given him tools to stay in shape for life.
“I have an inner fat boy that’s a real punk and keeping him at bay would be a real challenge. I think I have the tools to manage him moving forward.

“I think U.P. has a program that’s good for a specific set of people at the right time in their lives when they are ready for it. It’s really focused.
“I would recommend U.P. to anyone mid-career, really looking to get back on track and has the funds to do so.
“I wish I had learned a lot of this stuff when I was in my 20s – I’m not sure if I would have wanted to hear it, but it would have had me at a different spot right now.”
- We show you the best, we don't show you the worst.
- We show you people who follow the plans, not those who are all talk.
- We show you those who inspire even us with their commitment to their results.
- You cannot get results exactly like these. You are unique and that means you can only get your own best possible results.
- Your results are a function of time spent following the plan; your genetic response to the right exercise and diet program; how hard you train; how consistently you come to the gym; how disciplined you are with your diet; & your starting point.
- Oftentimes the lower your starting point (poor fitness, terrible body composition) the better your results.
- We cannot do the work for you and the results you see here are a testament to the work ethic of our clients.
Our reputation is that we are the best trainers in the world for helping you to unlock your potential, & we can lead you to the door, give you the key, even turn the handle and push the door open, but we cannot walk through it for you.
In the end the result is down to you.
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