Emilie had been overweight for most of her life.
She had spent years and years battling her weight.
The countless hours of mental, physical and emotional energy she had expended in this depressing struggle were exhausting.
Emilie had simply had enough. She didn’t want to feel this way anymore and knew something drastic needed to change.
Starting a transformation program at Ultimate Performance Mayfair was the first step to making the huge changes she craved.
Now, 33-year-old Emilie is in phenomenal shape after losing more than 30kg.
She has a body she is absolutely thrilled with and a new-found belief in herself that has enhanced every other area of her life.
“The physical results I’ve achieved over the course of the transformation are far beyond what I ever expected to achieve. They are far beyond what I ever imagined my body could achieve.
“I’ve lost just over 30kg. I’m definitely the leanest I’ve ever been. I have abdominal definition which is hilarious and unbelievable, especially to me.
“I’m more fit than I have ever been at any point in my entire life, including adolescence…and stronger, more toned and more defined.
“I have a body that I actually never dreamed that I would have. It’s far beyond my expectations.”
After years of weight issues, Emilie is still adjusting to her amazing new body.
But her remarkable transformation is more than a physical one.
Emilie says it has helped her feel more in control and confident than at any point in her life.
“I’m not the kind of person who comes to U.P. with a few extra pounds to lose, who wants to tone up for their wedding, or who’s just become a little bit complacent.
“Throughout my entire life, I feel like I’ve been overweight and battling that, personally.
“It’s crazy to think about how much mental energy I have expelled on this over the years. So it feels like quite a huge weight off my shoulders being in a place where I’m not constantly thinking about that.
“But not just feeling satisfied, but actually thrilled with where I am physically.”
Emilie describes it as a huge cloud over her life that has been lifted.
“Feeling like I have that (my health) under control, I can just focus on all the other things that I should be focussing on.”
Emilie had tried to lose weight for years. But a busy career and regular international travel made it harder for her.
She was regularly entertaining clients, going out to social events and eating whatever she wanted.
But this lifestyle took its toll and her weight just kept creeping up.
“I didn’t think it was necessarily unhealthy at the time. I think it was the snowball effect before I realised where I was.
“My diet was quite reactive. I travelled quite a bit for work, and I’m social, so I’d be going out for meals in London.
“I was very busy and that busyness was a bit of a machine to keep me distracted from the fact that I wasn’t healthy, I didn’t feel good, I didn’t look the way I wanted and I certainly didn’t have the energy levels I wanted.”
Feeling this way proved to be a big catalyst for change. She finally took action and started a transformation at U.P. Mayfair.
Emilie had worked with other personal trainers before, but nothing compared to the fastidious attention to detail, support and accountability of working with U.P.
“This experience has been completely above and beyond that. The comprehensiveness of the program extends far beyond the reach of the doors of the gym, to diet, to checking in with my trainer and having someone who is paying attention.
“Someone who is demanding a certain level of accountability, which has completely changed how I view things throughout this process.”
Emilie got stronger and more confident with every single session.
She committed to the program and her consistency helped her ultimately lose more than 30kg.
She has been blown away by the results she’s achieved. But more so by the impact that weight training has had on her beyond the physical changes she’s made.
“Weight training has a bad rap, especially for women.
“Women see it as something that maybe adds bulk or isn’t feminine. I think that weight training is quite obviously an incredibly efficient way to transform your body.
“I think that what often gets overlooked are the psychological benefits of feeling strong and empowered, especially for women.
“I think a lot of times, not much importance or emphasis is placed on feeling strong for women.
“It has been invaluable for me in terms of a way to change myself physically. But the weight training element we have been doing here is a huge part of the mental change as well.”
Emilie says her transformation has really helped improve her mindset.
Becoming physically stronger has helped her become mentally stronger. Not just in the gym, but in life.
“One of the biggest things I’ve learned is the power of self-belief, as cliche as that may sound.
“There have been so many instances through my training where a voice in my head said ‘you can’t do this.’
“Every time I think that, even before the thought has fully formed in my head, my trainer, Jay, is saying ‘yes you can!’
“And I always can. That’s a voice I hear when I’m not in the gym, and it’s a voice that’s carried over into other parts of my life as well.”
Her transformation has opened up new doors and new possibilities in life.
No longer is her life limited by poor fitness levels or overshadowed by her weight.
“Now I feel like my body is so much more efficient. I have way more energy and I’m excited to do things.
“I’m looking for more ways to be active. It’s not something I’ve experienced before.
“I’m looking forward to seeing people I haven’t seen in a long time, or getting dressed up for any social occasions. I feel so different going into these things.”
- We show you the best, we don't show you the worst.
- We show you people who follow the plans, not those who are all talk.
- We show you those who inspire even us with their commitment to their results.
- You cannot get results exactly like these. You are unique and that means you can only get your own best possible results.
- Your results are a function of time spent following the plan; your genetic response to the right exercise and diet program; how hard you train; how consistently you come to the gym; how disciplined you are with your diet; & your starting point.
- Oftentimes the lower your starting point (poor fitness, terrible body composition) the better your results.
- We cannot do the work for you and the results you see here are a testament to the work ethic of our clients.
Our reputation is that we are the best trainers in the world for helping you to unlock your potential, & we can lead you to the door, give you the key, even turn the handle and push the door open, but we cannot walk through it for you.
In the end the result is down to you.
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