If you’re getting married you want to look lean, healthy and razor sharp on your wedding day.

That’s exactly what groom-to-be George achieved in just 12 weeks Online Personal Training with Ultimate Performance.

The 33-year old head of operations in London made the decision to train under U.P.’s world-class personal trainers to get in shape for his wedding later on in the year.

With the usual bad habits of eating out and drinking, George struggled to see any physical progress despite his efforts in the gym.

So after five years of trying his best to achieve the body he dreamed of, George decided it was time to seek professional help and get the job done.

What happened next? The results after just 12 weeks speak for themselves.

 Result-georgec-12wk-front-900 Ultimate Performance

What were your expectations going into the program and what were your motivations? 

I’m getting married later this year and I decided I wanted to be in the best possible shape for that.

After seeing the other results, I had pretty high expectations – but I was under no illusions that hard work and dedication was needed, which for me was a really big lifestyle change.


Can you tell me how you were feeling both physically and mentally before starting with U.P.? 

I wasn’t in awful condition, I play a lot of football but despite that and attending the gym on and off for extended periods over the last five years or so, I just couldn’t get any noticeable results.

I’m pretty driven in other aspects of my life so I was confident I had the dedication, just not the direction to really achieve what I wanted.


What was your diet and lifestyle like before you started your transformation with U.P.? 

Looking back it wasn’t great. I didn’t eat terribly but I had no concept of calories or macros really in daily life and with a highly sociable job I was drinking fairly excessively and quite often.


How did that change after starting with Ultimate Performance?

My lifestyle did change dramatically.

Diet-wise, I wouldn’t ever have breakfast and was eating out almost every day – so almost immediately I had to curb that and pre-prepare almost all my meals – and eat almost religiously in terms of timings.

Socially was probably the most difficult adjustment as I went from the guy everyone knew would lead the charge at work drinks, to having to say no and head home.


What effect did this have on your health, performance, lifestyle and energy inside and outside the gym?

I never lacked energy before but I definitely saw a huge difference in my fitness, especially playing football. But in terms of the social side, I had to make what I saw as ‘sacrifices’ to not go to parties or nights out, which definitely was the biggest challenge for me through the whole process.


How did you find the training and did it fit around your busy lifestyle? 

I travel a fair amount with work, but when in the UK and in a routine I found that the eating was very manageable but the training did have more challenges in trying to find the time needed through the week – where ideally the gym was quieter as I wanted to be able to focus fully and give it the intensity required.


What were your results like after your transformation? 

Results were definitely impressive, especially given the relatively short period of time. Almost anyone I knew could see the difference from when I started, where I had stripped away a lot of the fat for muscle and probably knocked a few years off!


What were the most important things you learned during your journey and what really worked for you in helping you make your transformation? 

It was a massive education for me. The biggest thing was tracking my food with My Fitness Pal, which obviously plays a huge part in any training program.

I completely agree you can’t out-train a bad diet. Huge credit to my U.P. trainer, who whilst I only saw him once a week, I also did the online training with him with daily check-ins. Having his guidance on diet, gym plan and improving my technique training was invaluable.


Would you recommend U.P. and why? 

I would 100% recommend U.P. and I have already done so. You absolutely need the discipline to achieve results but the support and guidance you get is fantastic. They are literally with you every step of the way and unlike other gyms or PT’s, they want to achieve the results with you, which makes a big difference. The atmosphere at the gym is completely professional with no frills, just hard graft – but that’s what it takes if you want to get actual results.


If you’re inspired by George’s results and you’re ready to start your own body transformation, find out about our Online Personal Training Plans


  • We show you the best, we don't show you the worst.
  • We show you people who follow the plans, not those who are all talk.
  • We show you those who inspire even us with their commitment to their results.
  • You cannot get results exactly like these. You are unique and that means you can only get your own best possible results.
  • Your results are a function of time spent following the plan; your genetic response to the right exercise and diet program; how hard you train; how consistently you come to the gym; how disciplined you are with your diet; & your starting point.
  • Oftentimes the lower your starting point (poor fitness, terrible body composition) the better your results.
  • We cannot do the work for you and the results you see here are a testament to the work ethic of our clients.
  • Our reputation is that we are the best trainers in the world for helping you to unlock your potential, & we can lead you to the door, give you the key, even turn the handle and push the door open, but we cannot walk through it for you.
    In the end the result is down to you.

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