Sameerb-30s-29wk-pt-cty-front-900 Ultimate Performance

An investment manager by profession and a food blogger in his free time, Sameer had always been unfit. He literally couldn’t remember a time when he was fit and in shape.

However, as his 30s started, he became more and more convinced that things had to change, which brought him to Ultimate Performance London City.

“I have been unhappy with the way I looked for as far back as I can remember.

“I would always be wearing t-shirts that were too big to cover my ‘man boobs’.

“Now it’s a great feeling to have the confidence to wear clothes other people wear. I am wearing t-shirts that fit me better and I am thinking a lot less about how I look!”

Sameer is now worlds apart from the man who walked in on day one and has an incredible physique and new-found confidence to show for all his hard work.

 Sameerb-30s-29wk-pt-cty-front-900 Ultimate Performance


Sameer lost 18kg and close to 25cm from his waist in 6 months at U.P. His body fat also went down from a high of 28% to a lean and healthy 13%.

When he first started, he was full of enthusiasm, but admits the first few weeks were a massive shock that took some adjusting to.

He says the diet, especially, was a huge change for a dyed-in-the-wool foodie like him.

“It was a shock to the system. I enjoy cooking, but making and eating bland food put me in a bad mood.

“But as I got educated about macros, nutrients and things, I realised that there are plenty of options that one can use to make the food taste better while still meeting the dietary requirements of the programme.”

 Sameerb-30s-29wk-pt-cty-side-900 Ultimate Performance

If you feel that there’s a mismatch between the way you look and the way you feel, personal training can help!
Get in touch for more information.

As someone who impatiently tried and discarded several training and diet regimes over the years, Sameer now preaches patience.

He credits U.P.’s tracking system as his main motivational driver that kept him on the programme.

“I have been doing this for 6 months now, and it took me probably 6 weeks before I saw noticeable results in the mirror. Normally I would have given up by the 6th week, so I would never have gotten to this point.

“A big part of the programme is to log everything you eat, track your weight every day and try as hard as you can not to stray from the programme and if you do that I think you see results.

“Part of it is also because at other gyms you don’t know what you are doing. You don’t have someone who is showing you how to train properly in the gym.

“At U.P., I was taught so much about how to do each particular exercise and how to tweak each exercise to target different muscles… it’s those sort of little things that make a massive difference, and you don’t know these things when you are training on your own.”

Sameer loved his old lifestyle and never thought he would feel the same way for a lifestyle that focuses on healthy food and fitness.

However, he was surprised at how easy it was to commit to his nutrition plan and make lasting changes to his diet and lifestyle.

“Now that I have done the transformation, not only has my body changed, but also I am much better educated with regards to what I should and shouldn’t be eating.

“That doesn’t mean you can never have anything nice again; it means when you do that you are educated enough to plan ahead.

“So, if I went for a holiday, I would reduce my calorie intake and do extra cardio for a few days before or after the holiday… so, that type of planning I feel I am in a better place to do.”

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Sameer chalked up a huge part of his success to the supportive training environment at U.P. He felt the trainers, the vibe and, of course, his results kept him going through the difficult first month of training.

“I feel I didn’t give up when I would normally have because everything is so fine-tuned in terms of technique, diet and the support you get. Your trainer cares as much about your results as you yourself. That’s better than having a gym buddy!”

“The U.P. City gym may not be the prettiest gym, but the environment is great. Everyone is so great; everyone would say ‘hello’, and you feel that you are all in it together.”

Even though it’s easy to be sceptical at the beginning, Sameer says with consistency and support the results will inevitably follow.

“If you keep doing things at U.P. consistently, you will see results. Because it’s not rocket science what you are taught here, but it’s the principle of applying it and staying disciplined.”

“Coming from someone who was convinced that I would not get the results because I had bad genetics or my body was just the way it was – it’s worked for me!”



  • We show you the best, we don't show you the worst.
  • We show you people who follow the plans, not those who are all talk.
  • We show you those who inspire even us with their commitment to their results.
  • You cannot get results exactly like these. You are unique and that means you can only get your own best possible results.
  • Your results are a function of time spent following the plan; your genetic response to the right exercise and diet program; how hard you train; how consistently you come to the gym; how disciplined you are with your diet; & your starting point.
  • Oftentimes the lower your starting point (poor fitness, terrible body composition) the better your results.
  • We cannot do the work for you and the results you see here are a testament to the work ethic of our clients.
  • Our reputation is that we are the best trainers in the world for helping you to unlock your potential, & we can lead you to the door, give you the key, even turn the handle and push the door open, but we cannot walk through it for you.
    In the end the result is down to you.

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